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Alcohol causes the small blood vessels in your skin to dilate, allowing more blood to enter the area. This causes the warmth and flushing. It's the same process that happens when you blush from embarrassment or spend time in very warm weather (without the alcohol of course)

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Q: Why do your ears get hot and red when you have alcohol?
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Meaning of hot ears?

There are 2 most common causes of hot or red ears. Having hot ears can mean that you have a fever and it can also mean that your blood pressure is elevated.

Does a dog's ears get red when the dog is hot?

No But they will pant with their tongue because they have no sweatglands

Why do ears get hot and red?

Ears get red and hot due to a vascular change in your body. This can occur due to the weather and temperature, stress, or other situation that alters the constriction of your blood vessels. You can take prescription beta blockers recommended by your doctor to control this situation.

Why is Rudolf's ears red?

His ears are not red. Read my answer to the question: 'Why is rudo If's ears red?'

Why do peoples ears go red?

it may be hot or something or maybe u may be embarrassed or mad.

Why are penguins ears red?

Penguins ears are not red. There.

Why is rudo lf's ears red?

I think you mean why his nose is red. He was born with a red nose. He doesn't have red ears.

Why does your ears get hot?

Because the rest of your body is feeling hot. When you feel hot, the capillaries (small blood vessels) in your ears dilate, or spread out, so that more heat can escape from the blood. Sometimes, when you feel embarrassed, your body is under stress, from muscle action and various substances released from your glands due to your body's reaction to that emotion. This causes the same thing as when you feel hot to happen, and your capillaries in your ears, and sometimes your face, dilate, causing a rush of warm blood to reach those areas.

Can you put alcohol and peroxide in ears?

yes you can apply both on the ears but i wouldn't recommend putting peroxide inside the ears

How do you tell if your ears are infected?

To tell, your ears will be swelling red,hot to touch and you'd earring will be digging in your ear. Also,your ears will be bleeding and puss may come out. If your ears have a bump, don't worry, it's not an infection. It will probably be because that you are allergic to the earrings that you are wearing. If you are still worried, I suggest that you go to a doctor to get your ears checked.

Can you pour alcohol in my dogs ears?

It's not usually a good idea to pour alcohol directly into your dog's ears. If his ears are irritated it can be very painful. To clean or dry your dogs ears, put some alcohol on a cotton ball and wipe the inner ears. If your dog has open sores in his ears, use hydrogen peroxide instead, or get medication from a veterinarian.

Is it normal that your guinea pigs ears went from normal to hot?

Yes, this can be normal. As long as the ears do not stay hot. The ears are a way to rid the body of excess heat.