

Why does Iowa vote democrat?

Updated: 8/18/2023
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12y ago

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This is a great question. It's a small, midwestern state that is vastly white, rural and traditional.

Being from a neighboring state, they have always been an enigma because of their liberal'd think a wheat farmer in Iowa would share much the same values as a wheat or corn farmer in Nebraska or Kansas.

The only thing I've been able to guess at is that A) Iowans like to express individuality, like New Hampshire in the NorthEast. You know, being feircely independent just for the sake of being different.

The other things is a slight air of "superiority" from Iowans. Their school system, being devoid of gangs, a homogenous population, high level of church attendance, solidly middle class and strong parental involvement in schools.

As a result, American school kids are tested against the "Iowa Standardized Test", which is to imply that they have the best education, and we all need to see how we stack up to them.

In other words, Iowa has become the elitist blue hole in the middle of a see of midwestern red. Since they don't want to be associated with their "overly traditional" neighbors, they seem to out of spite try to prove their progressiveness by being "elightened liberals".

They also are safetly isolated from most impact their liberal votes will have...they could vote communist and they are so remote and landlocked that no one would bother them. The rest of us have to pay for their "progressive socialism".

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Perhaps it was Obama's youth, vigor and oratory and maybe because they were looking for change.

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