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The water is part of their hunting environment as well as actually catching some of their food in the water they have to cross over stretches of water to go where they need to go.

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Q: Why does a polar bear need to swim?
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Can grizzly polar bear hybrids swim?

yes they can

What is a simile of how a polar bear swims?

"A polar bear can swim like a fish," or "A polar bear swims like a dog: it always uses the doggie paddle when in the water."

Can a grizzly bear black bear and brown bear swim?

No, but they can stick their heads under water to get fish! Only Polar Bears can swim underwater! And did you know ALL Polar Bears are left handed...or would it be pawed?

What is the male polar bear called?

The male Polar bear is called Boars. A male polar bear can weigh as 2 to 3 as much as a female bear. Polar bears are good swimmers and can swim as much as 100 km in a single stretch.

What is something that a polar bear likes to do?

Swim, eat fish and seals

How many can a polar bear can swim in 1 go?

50 miles

Is it possible for a polar bear to swim 500 miles?

Yes, this is true they can swim up to 804 km!

How far can polar bear cubs swim?

i think not at all

How can you describe what a polar bear looks like?

a massive white bear with slightly webbed feet to help it swim

What are some stuff you can do on Neptune?

go find a narwhal or swim inside a polar bear

What does the polar bear need?

a polar bear needs its food sources and fur to keep it warm

What do polar bears need to change to live in the open sea?

A polar bear would have to change: -It's body fat/hair so it wouldn't drag it down. -Webbed feet to swim better.