

Why does a red blood cell have a dimple?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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because the dimple allows the maximum surface areaon the cell.

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Q: Why does a red blood cell have a dimple?
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What is The difference between leaf cells and red blood cells?

The difference between a red blood cell and a leaf is that a leaf contains chlorophyll to make it green instead of haemoglobin that makes a red blood cell red. A leaf has many chloroplasts when a red blood cell does not but a red blood cell has a dimple. Both have a cell membrane but only a leaf has a cell wall. Hope this helps you.

What type of cell is this it is round like a donut with the hole partly filled?

I think you're referring to a red blood cell, which is circular with that distinctive "dimple" or "crater" like hole in the middle - the purpose of the dimple is to increase surface area for gas exchange, as the role of the red blood cell in the body is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the working muscles of the body and take carbondioxide away from the muscles and back towards the lungs.

Why do red blood cells have dimples?

There is a dimple to allow maximum surface area on a cell so the cell can circulate oxygen more quickly by absorbing bigger amounts of oxygen within the same amounts of time!Without the dimples on a red blood cell you would get tired very quickly and the human race may not have even survived to this point.

What is the name of the normal protein and a red blood cell?

and a red blood cell or in a red blood cell? if its in a red blood cell i would say haemoglobin

What does a white blood cell have that a red blood cell doesn't?

The white blood cell has nucleus that red blood cell does not

When is a red blood cell red?

a red blood cell is red when it reaches oxegen.

How is a cell differs from a red blood cell?

red blood cells are a type of cell

What is a host red blood cell?

its is the red blood cell on our body.

How does blood enter a red blood cell?

Blood contains red blood cells. Red blood cells don't contain blood. Blood does not enter the red blood cell.

What are the cell structures of a red blood cell?

It is biconcave in shape , mature red blood cell do not have nucleus,

What colour is a red blood cell when it is deoxygenated?

The color of a red blood cell is dark red when it is deoxygenated.

What is a mature red blood cell?

A red blood cell. Scientific name, Erythrocyte