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What you are seeing is not smoke. It is a contrail . It is formed because the compressors in the jet engine compress a lot of air volume into an small chamber and the water vapor gets compressed into drops of water that are shot out of the back of the engine. The reason you see it at high altitudes is because the temp up there is around -40, those drops of water/vapor freeze instantly and form a cloud that you see witch is really thousands of water particles frozen. And to answer the other part only jet engines can do this because they have compressors, props do not so they cant make contrails. So if you are flying in a jet when the temp is a lot below freezing you will have a contrail. In some parts of Alaska and Siberia. The temp is already -20 and when planes take off they leave a contrail right there on the ground.

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Q: Why does an aircraft leave a white smoke trail?
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How high is an aircraft in US before you see the white smoke?

That isn't white smoke, it's water vapor that is condensed out of the air by the passing of the aircraft. This is called a "contrail," which stands for condensation trail. The altitude depends upon the relative humidity and the temperature, which vary from hour to hour. Generally, this only occurs at very high altitudes.

What is the white trail behind a jet plane made from?


What is an Airplanes white trail?

The white trail you see behind an airplane in the sky is called a contrail. It's an artificial cloud made by the exhaust of jet aircraft or from the wingtips.

What is smoke trial?

If you ever see a commercial airliner in flight behind it there will be a white tail folowing it. This is the smoke trail.

What is the white smoke the airplane leave?

The smoke is actually ice that freezes in the air

Why would a turbo prop aircraft emit white smoke?

Failed internal oil seal

What is the name of white trail in the sky that planes leave behind?

the government is honeslty trying to posion us.. its called a chem trail.

What did Hansel and Gretal used to leave a trail first?

They used small white rocks

Does government have anything to do with the white smoke planes leave behind?

Their are people that believe that the contrails left by aircraft are some government conspiracy but this is not the case. They are simply water vapor trails. They are triggered by the water vapor in the exhaust of aircraft engines or changes in air pressure over the wings surface.

Why do planes leave white trails?

The heat of the engines, especially jets, leaves a trail of white condensation in the cold atmosphere.

Do commercial aircraft put out white smoke like military air craft do when they fly hi when it's cold out?

Yes, any aircraft makes vapour trails in the right conditions.

What is the white smoke that airplanes leave behind?

The white line you see in the sky behind an airplane is water- water vapor. Known as a contrail (for conensation trail), this is visible when the very large amount of water vapor created by burning jet fuel meets the VERY cold air at high altitudes. Just as you can see your breath on a cold day, you can see the "breath" of the airplane engine. Jet aircraft may fly at 30,000 to 40,000 feet of altitude- where the air is -70 degrees F.