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As temperature increases the mean kinetic energy of all particles present increase, allowing for the gases dissolved to evaporate more readily, as they are in a greater state of vibratory motion - that is they are present in a more gaseous form. Phase is determined by the extent of motion of particles, which is determined by the intermolecular forces acting between molecules. An increase in temperature will also increase the motion of dissolved particles by weakening the forces acting between the solute and solvent. This allows the dissolved gases to evaporate out of solution. Hence an increase in temperature corresponds to a decrease in the solubility of gases in liquids. Hope it helps. By Vibs

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Q: An increase in temperature causes a decrease in the amount of gas able to dissolve in a liquid solvent Why does this occur?
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This depends on the nature of the solute and solvent. Excepting gases, increasing the temperature the solubility increase.

How do you Increase solubility of liquid in liquid?

Increase temperature. any of the following:- 1) increase the temperature of the Solvent (what you are trying to dissolve in) 2) increase the surface area of the Solute (what you are dissolving) 3) increase the agitation (stirring) and the amount of the solvent.

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Increase its surface area exposed to the solvent is the easiest way to (e.g break or cut the material going to be dissolved). Or for some, you can increase the temperature, or add it to the solvent slowly.

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The term 'solubility of a solution' is meaningless. Perhaps you mean how do you increase the solubility of a solute in a solvent? In that case, if your solute is a solid, increase the temperature, and if it is a gas, decrease the temperature.

How does temperaures affect the solubility of a solute in solvent?

Generally the solubility of solids in solvents increase with the temperature and the solubility of gases in solvents decrease with the temperature.

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The increase of solvent temperature can directly correspond to solubility. For example increasing water temperature can increase its holding of solvated potassium nitrate (KNO3).

What changes gas solubility?

Solubility can increase and decrease with temperature variations and changes, Pressure can increase and decrease solubility with difference pressure variations, the nature of the gas and the nature of the solvent as well chance the solubility of the gas.

What can be done to make a solid solute dissolve faster in liquid solvent?

Examples:- increase the temperature- increase the pressure- stir the mixture- grind the solid solute

Does a cool solvent dissolve less solute than an equal amount of warm solvent?

I believe heating a solvent in a solution breaks bonds between molecules in the solvent, so the molecules in an excited state can mix with and rebond to other molecules in any other solvent that's added.

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To decrease the rate of solution of a given solid into a given solvent, cool the liquid.

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crushing particles of solute