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Because your jeans have been double-dyed to get that dark blue color. They need to be washed several times and then the dye will stop bleeding out onto your shoes.

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Q: Why does blue dye from your jeans get on white sneakers?
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Related questions

How is jean blue and cotton is white?

The fabric used to make the jeans is colored with blue dye.

How do you remove black dye from white jeans?

dye them black

How do you remove red dye from white jeans?

bleach the red dye out.

Can you use dye to darken blue jeans?


How do you dye orange fabric to make blue?

you can make blue jeans by denim and use a sewing machine and sew them and you have to make sure that they are even you cand invent blue jeans

What is denim trouser?

jeans. Denim is a name for the blue dye 'jeans' cotton is dyed with, and a name for such blue dyed cotton itself.

Why does dark blue jeans stain white shoes?

With a brand-new pair of jeans, it is possible to rub the indigo dye off with your hand, so it's no surprise it will stain white shoes. The solution is to wash the jeans - long cycle, and preferably twice - before wearing them.

Why do white skateboard sneakers get pink or black?

White skateboard sneakers get pink or black because of their exposure to paint and dye from fabrics that touch them. For example, pink or red laces can bleed color onto the sneakers.

How do you make blue color?

If something is not already blue, you can dye it. Indigo is a plant famous for its blue dye. It was used to make blue jeans. However the dye can now be made in the laboratory.

How do you turn blue jeans into red?

red cloth dye should do the trick

How do you make a sonic the hedgehog costume?

Dye your hair blue and spike it - or get a blue wig and spike that. Get a long-sleeved blue shirt and blue pants. Cut out a peach-colored circle and sew or glue it to the "belly" of the shirt. Get some red and white sneakers and some white gloves. Finally, get some blue cat-ears to wear on your head.

Why blue jeans are blue?

Jeans are blue from the indigo dye that is used in the process of making denim fabric. Actually they aren't entirely blue, denim gets it's unique look from the mix of white threads and indigo threads used in it's weaving.