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Q: Why does cabbage give you gas?
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Does cabbage give you gas?

Certain foods, such as legumes, cabbage, or certain types of bran contain carbohydrates that the body cannot digest. However, bacteria in the colon can use them for food, and as they are digested by the bacteria, gas is produced.

Can dog eat cabbage?

Yes, but if gives them very bad gas. If you do feed your dog cabbage, dont give him too much, he might stink up the house.

Can you give raw cabbage to gerbils and guinea pigs?

You cant give cabbage to guinea pigs i dont know about gerbils.

Can iguanas eat cabbage?

No actually, it true that cabbage gives iguanas gas buildup!This means they will explode and die!

Can horses eat Chinese cabbage?

No, horses should not be fed Chinese cabbage, it can cause gas colic, or possibly diarrhea.

Of cheerios milk coke lettuce cabbage tomato carrot peas beans and fish which cause gas?

Gas causers from above are: milk,coke,lettuce,cabbage, peas, & beans.

How much water should you give your cabbage?

It is very dependant on the size of your cabbage and the amount of nutrients in your soil

Why does cabbage give you diarrhea?

Cabbage contains a lot of fiber. Therefore consuming too much of it will causediarrhea in the gastrointestinal system.

Do carrots cause bloating?

All food make you have gas, but especially fibre rich foods such as brussel sprouts, cabbage, spinach, baked beans etc. carrots would probably only give you bad gas if you ate them excessively.

Can horses eat green cabbage leaves?

You should avoid anything in the Cole family, this includes Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Kale. These plants can cause a build up of gas in the horses intestines and cause painful gas colic.

How do you pick out a cabbage for cabbage soup recipes?

You can go to your local walmart or market to pick out the best cabbages in the market. Making sure they are ripe and clean can give your cabbage soup a great turnout.

Are helium and hot air the same gas?

yes, cabbage is in the same group as well