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Alcohol causes dehydration because it causes you to urinate more often, ultimatly expelling more liquid that you originally take in. Also keep in mind that when drinking alcoholic drinks [ex. 8 ounce can of beer] it is not fully liquid, but partially liquid and partially alcohol.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Alcohol acts as an additional solute in the blood and so pulls water out of the tissues by osmosis. Also, it decreased ADH secretion and so causes you to produce more urine than is appropriate.

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11y ago

When you work out, or do anything active and you lose sweat from your body it causes dehydration. Signs of dehydration are muscle spasms, dry mouth, sleepiness, not going to the bathroom as much, headaches and dizziness, dry skin etc. If any of this happens make sure you sit down and have some water.

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14y ago

Alcohol is a diuretic, and there is not enough water in beer or mixed drinks to make up for the amount lost in urine.

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11y ago

Although beer is mostly water beer does nothing but dehydrate you. A hangover is essentially your brain being dehydrated.

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12y ago

obsorb water in the ,body

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Q: Explain how alcohol intake may result in dehydration?
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