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Leaves have gaseous exchange through its stomata or free cell surface (in case of water plants). These gases come out in the form of bubbles in water. Hence air bubbles are formed when leaves are in water.

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9y ago
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13y ago

oxygen is inside the leaf, when you put it in water, its oxygen will find a way out resulting to when you are underwater with your goggles,when you breathe out underwater,air will come out resulting to other ways, try farting underwater xD lmfao

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12y ago

when water gets to 100 degrees c it begins to evaporate therefore letting off bubbles of oxygen. Hope this answers your question!

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11y ago

Because the bubble just have to come out from the lower surface.

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11y ago

This is because the hot water will make the air inside leaf expand. The the air inside come out as bubbles.

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12y ago

there is somata in the leaf

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Q: Why leaf gives out bubbles in hot water and not cold?
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How do plants absorb water from the soil?

Roots have hairs on the tips that soak up the water and they then soak the water up the plant and then the water is transported to the other veins in the leaf.

Why does water roll off the surface of a leaf?

because the leaf is non polar or Because the leaf is coated in lipid molecules

Why a tree floats in water?

Leaves contain chloroplasts; which make sugars using sunlight. This is called photosynthesis. One of the by-products of this process is Oxygen. This oxygen sits in the Parenchyma, which is in the middle of the leaf. This gives the leaf a lower density than water; so it floats on the surface. This oxygen, if it is not used by the plant, is later released from the Stoma, which are little holes on the bottom of the leaf; and the leaf sinks.

What is fine network of lines on the undersurface of a leaf?

The fine network of lines on the undersurface of a leaf are called Veins. The water and minerals go to every part of the leaf through these Veins.

What kind of climate and weather conditions do you wil cause a high rate of transpiration?

Warm air can hold more water vapour than cold air therefore transpiration will take place more rapidly into warm air.Furthermore, when the sun shines on the leaves,they will absorb heat as well as light which increases the rate of evaporation of water. In moving air ,the water vapour will be swept away from the leaf as fast as it diffuses out.This will speed up transpiration.The air should also be less humid to accept more water vapour.

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Which part of the water hyacinth help it to float?

Leaf petiole

When water is used to wash off alcohol from a leaf why does the leaf turns dry?

Because the oxygen in water and peroxide in alcohol mix and tiny bubbles form and when they pop air comes out that makes the leaf dry

When testing a leaf for starch why is it rinsed in cold water after it is boiled?

After the leaf has been placed in ethanol it becomes very brittle. It is then rinsed in cold water so as to soften it and makes it more manageable for the addition of iodine.

Why dried leaf floats on the surface of apond?

they are lihter than water possible have air bubbles inside and have a widesurface area

which of the following is most likely the result of an organism having lipids in its body?

Water cannot be absorbed through the surface of a leaf

What do you call a water lily leaf?

The water lily leaf does not have a special name. It can be referred to as a "water lily leaf' or as the leaf of a certain water lily species.

Why does water roll off the surface of leaf?

Most leaves are coated in a waxy, waterproof substance that renders them hydrophobic, meaning that they repel water. Some leaves go even further with small bumps called papillae, too small to be seen by the naked eye. The papillae effectively trap bubbles of air, which the water can not displace, and that causes the water to roll off without making contact with the leaf. Think of it kind of like a hovercraft, which uses a pocked of contained air to keep itself above the water, but in reverse.

How is water absorbed by a leaf?

it doesn't the water absorbs the leaf

What gives the colour to the leaf?


Why do lemon leaf curl?

Cold weather can cause citrus leaves to curl and so can water stress. Aphids are another cause.

What is ivy leaf?

Ivy leaf is poison ivy. Poison ivy is a leaf that gives you a bad itchy rash.

Why does a leaf remove oxygen when submerged in water?

I think you have misunderstood something. If a leaf is under water, it will still photosynthesise and produce oxygen as long as there is sufficient light. If there is no light it will just respire, consuming oxygen, whether or not it is in water.