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It hurts many ways... for instance... let's consider a pregnant lady...

It hurts physically, because you can feel the pain of the force applied onto the stomach...

It hurts mentally, because pregnant ladies usually freaks out when someone pushes their stomachs.

And it hurts emotionally, because a pregnant lady would have to consider abortion if that ever happened.

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7y ago

The "abdomen" is the area from the ribcage to the pelvic bone. Most people refer to this whole area as the "stomach", even though the stomach is only one organ in the upper abdomen.

Besides the stomach, the upper abdomen contains many organs, such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder. As a separation between the abdominal cavity and the chest cavity is the diaphragm, which helps you to breathe. To each side, starting just slightly above your waist, is a kidney (one on each side).

From the stomach (mid-center, top) is the small intestines, and laying in loops surrounding the small intestines is the large intestines.

In the pelvis, for both males and females, the urinary bladder is sitting mid-center above the pelvic bone. If you are female, all your reproductive organs are also in the pelvic region.

In most healthy young people, there are some common causes to experience discomfort or pain from laying on your stomach. Most of these causes are temporary, or only require lifestyle adjustments to help the pain stop occurring. Listed from anatomical positioning, from top to bottom, these causes could be:

  1. A full stomach is pushing up on your diaphragm, making it harder to breathe. If you are overweight, the stomach (organ) can press even more on the diaphragm.
  2. Pain at mid-line between the ribcage, often with a full stomach, could be a hiatal hernia. That means stomach contents are pushing upward in an abnormal pocket into the esophagus. You could have pain, fullness, and heartburn or acid reflux.
  3. Pain on the right side, especially after a fatty meal, could be your gallbladder. A bad gallbladder does not put out enough bile to process fats as well as a healthy gallbladder does.
  4. Pain on the right side could be from your colon. The colon bends to go downward, and can go into spasms at that bend. Try gently rubbing downward, from the ribs on that side in a motion toward your hip bone. You could also try a warm heating pad on low heat for 10 minutes. *Do not lay on a heating pad.
  5. Another curious and often alarming symptom is to feel a regular "thumping" at the bend of the colon at the top left of the abdomen. This can occur because there is an artery there and sometimes people can feel the regular pulsing of blood flow through the artery. The thumping will often mysteriously stop after wastes moves through the bend of the colon. The thumping is not a true medical problem and no treatment is required.
  6. There is a lot of churning that goes on in the small intestines! You can feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable, and even occasional sharp pains. This is peristalsis. Since the intestines are so long an wrap round and around inside, you could feel "pains" anywhere in the abdomen or "belly". The same is true for the large intestines, which also uses peristalsis.
  7. Before I go further, I need to include the kidneys. Put your hands on your hips. The area under the palms of your hands is the top of each kidney. Pain there is called "flank pain"-- meaning sides. The kidneys should never produce pain. A kidney infection can cause pain. Problems with the adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney, can cause pain. Talk to your doctor ASAP if you have flank pain.
  8. Back to the intestines... Low in the abdomen, the large intestines makes 2 bends. The colon there is what empties to the rectum. But stool can be too loose or too hard, and in some people, even regularly formed feces has trouble making the turn. It's like trying to make a semi-tractor trailer make a very tight turn in a narrow tunnel. This pain stops when stool gets past that bend, or when you go to the bathroom. But this pain can be briefly intense-- maybe for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Heat and massage helps. If it happens frequently, talk to your doctor.
  9. The appendix lies on the right, very low in the pelvic region. Appendicitis has very distinctive symptoms with extreme pain; call your doctor or ER if you suspect appendicitis.
  10. Females only - One ovary sits on each side of the lower abdomen. The ovaries can produce all sorts of strange "pains", along with weird sensations from the intestines. The uterus should never cause pain! If you have mid-line pelvic pain, it is most likely a bladder infection or uterine infection such as PID. (Note: This info does not include women with endometriosis.)
  11. Male genitalia lies outside the abdominal cavity. A hernia could cause pain. If a male has testicular or penile pain, see your doctor.

That pretty much covers the primary problems that some organ can cause from the abdomen. Most are temporary and passing (they get better). A warm bath, heating pad, light massage, exercise, or changing position often relieves these pains. Having a bowel movement often relieves intestinal pains. Not eating foods that cause pain will prevent those pains (ex. gassy foods; fatty foods). If pain persists even when you have tried these things, see your doctor.

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11y ago

Yes it does your putting pressure and wheight on the baby

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15y ago

There can be a lot of reasons why you feel pain, the most common is the bones are slightly out of alignment. You may need your back to POP back into place.

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12y ago

It means u don't lay on it

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