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jocasta eventually figures out that Oedipus is indeed her son and does not want Oedipus to discover his true identity because she knows it will only lead to harm. She later hangs herself because she is ashamed that she married and had children with her son.

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Jocasta wants Oedipus to stop the investigation because she realizes the truth that Oedipus is her son and that they are married. She fears the consequences that the investigation might bring, and wants to protect Oedipus from uncovering the painful reality.

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Q: Why does Jocasta want Oedipus to stop the investigation?
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Which line spoken by Jocasta suggest that she knows Oedipus's true identity?

In "Oedipus Rex," Jocasta asks Oedipus to stop if he has any concern for his life or for her suffering. At this point, she has guessed the identity of Oedipus and doesn't want him to experience the pain of knowing he has slept with his own mother. The knowledge that she has children with her son is too much for Jocasta, and she hangs herself.

Who hands the infant Oedipus over to the shepherd to be exposed in the play 'Oedipus Rex'?

Jocasta hands the infant Oedipus over to the shepherd to be exposed in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban monarchs Laius and Jocasta receive a prophecy that their son will grow up to kill his father. Laius therefore makes it clear that Jocasta must kill her three-day-old infant son Oedipus. Jocasta does not want to disobey her husband, but also does not want to carry out the deed herself. She therefore asks her most trusted servant, a Theban shepherd, to leave Oedipus exposed to the ravaging weather and scrounging wildlife on the mountains outside Thebes.

Did Oedipus have any siblings?

Yes - his four children! But, no, Jocasta and Laius had no other children. Oedipus was born after years of infertility. Oedipus's adoptive parents also had no other chldren. If you want to know how Oedipus never guessed that Jocasta was at least 25 years older than himself, google for "Queen Harmonia's necklace".

How does Oedipus want Creon to bury Jocasta in 'Oedipus Rex'?

In the way that he sees fit is how Oedipus wants Creon to bury Jocasta in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Queen Jocasta is King Oedipus' wife and mother. She hangs herself and he blinds himself when the royal couple learn of the unknowingly incestuous base upon which their marriage is built. Oedipus is going to be punished with execution or exile. He is tying up loose ends, one of which is the disposition of his wife's body. He counts on Creon to make sure that Jocasta's body is honored with a proper Theban-style burial and funeral rite.

What does the messenger tell Jocasta in lines 967 through 977?

That Corinthians want Oedipus as their king because Polybus is dead

Who takes Oedipus away from the palace and gives him to the shepherd in 'Oedipus Rex'?

The Theban shepherd takes Oedipus away from the palace and gives him to the Corinthian shepherd in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the Theban shepherd is Queen Jocasta's most trusted servant. Jocasta therefore has him remove the three-day-old infant Oedipus from the palace and the sight of her husband, King Laius. The royal couple do not want to see their son mature into the father killer that he is prophesied to become. Laius believes that Jocasta can kill her own child, Jocasta believes that the Theban shepherd can do the job, and the shepherd knows that Oedipus will be fostered into the childless Corinthian royal household through the efforts of his colleague, a Corinthian shepherd.

What is Jocasta's weakness in 'Oedipus Rex'?

Denial and a certain arrogance are Jocasta's weaknesses in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Queen Jocasta tries to smooth over disagreements and seems to want to avoid anything unpleasant, inconvenient or contradictory. For example, she treats the disagreement between Theban Kings Oedipus and Creon as though it is a backyard fight between schoolboys. Additionally, she does not want to look too deeply into her first husband Laius' murder or her second husband Oedipus' true identity. In pursuit of the preceding, she picks and chooses what divine will she will respect and which she will not.

How did Jocasta die?

Oedipus becomes king and marries the widowed queen, Jocasta, unaware she was actually his own mother. Jocasta and Oedipus then have four children together. Oedipus eventually discovers the truth that he killed his own father and has married his mother. Upon hearing the news, Jocasta hangs herself.

Why does Oedipus want to see the surviving member of Laius' escort party in 'Oedipus Rex'?

That he is an eyewitness to a crime for which Oedipus may be a suspect is the reason why Oedipus wants to see the surviving member of Laius' escort party in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Oedipus heads a murder investigation into the death of King Laius, his royal predecessor and his wife's first husband. It is difficult to follow clues and gather information. But Oedipus may be able to solve the murder mystery by talking with Jocasta's most trusted servant, the sole survivor of the attack that kills five out of seven people in the Delphi-Daulia intersection at the same uncomfortable time.

Why does Creon not want Oedipus to be replaced in 'Oedipus Rex'?

That he likes things the way that they are is the reason by Creon does not want Oedipus to be replaced in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Creon shares royal powers with his sister Jocasta and her second husband, King Oedipus, who is actually the main ruler. According to Creon, everything that he needs and desires is provided through Oedipus' leadership. Oedipus deals with the likable and less likable aspects of the job and therefore bears all the stress, and Creon wants nothing to do with any of that.

Why does Jocasta not want Oedipus to find out his true identity?

Theban Queen Jocasta realizes that Theban King Oedipus is her only son by her first husband, Theban King Laius. Oedipus is told to identify and punish Laius' killer[s], in order to end a pestilence that ravages Thebes' birth rates, harvests, and livestock. In the course of his investigation, Oedipus learns that Laius was killed at a crossroads and that he resembles Laius. Oedipus is warned of a future killing of his own father and wedding of his own mother. Laius was warned of a future death at the hands of his own son.Jocasta puts the pieces of the puzzle together before Oedipus does. The fact that her beloved first husband was killed by her son, whom she subsequently marries, is too much for Jocasta to bear. She gets ready to go off and commit suicide. She only hopes that her beloved second husband, who was her beloved son by her beloved first husband, never sees himself as the father killer, king killer, and sex offender that he unknowingly is.

What does the Corinthian messenger tell Jocasta in 'Oedipus Rex'?

That Corinthians want Oedipus as their king because Polybus is dead is what the messenger says to Jocasta in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the Corinthian messenger says that the Isthmian commons want Theban King Oedipus to accept the crown and throne of Corinth. He reveals that Corinthians make this offer in the aftermath of the death of the most recently reigning Corinthian monarch, the elderly King Polybus. The reason that the messenger conveys the offer is that Oedipus is known to Corinthians as the only child and heir apparent of the childless royal couple, King Polybus and Queen Merope of Corinth.