

Why does my cat urinate on the floor?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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They're unhappy with something, such as a new baby in the house or new pet, so it could be because they're not getting enough attention; they might not like their current litter (litter box gravel), they could be ill, something in their environment that they don't like, (could be moving: cats HATE moving), they could feel threatened. There are many reasons.

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Q: Why does my cat urinate on the floor?
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I don't think you can unless the cat wants to. Cats only urinate where they think it's safe and where it won't get in the way of anything. They usually urinate in sand pits, or boxes, or just places they know they are allowed to 'urinate' in!

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Take any cat that struggling to urinate directly to the Vet, this is very serious. A cat, especially male, can die quickly from urinary crystals.

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Yes you can, such as a cat has a litterbox. Only you'll have to train it to urinate in that place.

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a normal house cat can tend to urinate in the forest if it is close and there is no litter box

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A cat's urine does not cause rashes. Cat's like to urinate in a litter box or a sand box if outside.

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Oh yeah!

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The pelvic floor muscles in the body support the bladder, uterus, and bowels.

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If there are multiple bowls, you would say:The cat bowls are on the floor.If there is one cat bowl, you would say:The cat's bowl is on the floor.

Why is your previously litterbox only using cat urinating anywhere but the litterbox now?

One of the most common reasons for this sort of behavior is urinary tract infection. It hurts the cat to urinate, the cat associates the hurt with the litter box, and starts trying to find someplace to urinate which makes it not hurt. Please take your cat to the vet and have this checked.

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put cat nip on the floor