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When you were still a foster child the biological parents are still obligated to pay for your expenses. Many people have many foster children because they want to and because there is a need but that does not mean they would otherwise afford to have them all so they have to get their expenses paid. If you are adopted now there are financial assistance the parents can get when they adopt a foster child. This is because otherwise they would still look for a family for you if your mom could not afford to adopt you since when you adopt a child you are usually not getting a anything. This assistance is there to help children who are in good families to stay there - permanently.

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Q: Why does my mom get money each month from the government for me being adopted Why did she get money from them when I was her foster kid?
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Is the money for the foster parents or the child in foster care?

The money is to cover the expenses for the child but it's the foster parents that manage the money.

Why does my mom get money each month for me being adopted?

If you are adopted now there are financial assistance the parents can get when they adopt a foster child. This is because otherwise they would still look for a family for you if your mom could not afford to adopt you since when you adopt a child you are usually not getting a anything. This assistance is there to help children who are in good families to stay there - permanently.

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Can you apply for money from social services for being adopted?

no... your adoptive parents should receive some money for benefits but YOU personally aren't entitled to any :)

Why do people with lots of money not have foster kids?

because they are too busy spending their money and have no time to look after foster children.

Foster care income?

If you spend the money on the children in foster care, there is no income. It is meant to be spent like child support...... on the kids. If you get into foster care for the money then you are doing it for all the wrong reasons.

Can an adopted child be left out of the will?

yes and no. yes being you can be left out of the will the the chose of the person who wrote the will. no being if he/she leaves money of property to you or if he/she leaves money or property to the family of which you were adopted since being adopted means he/she was your legal parental guardian in every way by law. the part I'm not sure about is when an adopted minor, under 18, from and single guardian receives an allowance of money from set deceased guardian that they can't touch till they become an adult because once with the single guardian is gone the sole member of the immediate family is the adopted child who on his 18 birthday is an adult and no longer a dependent of set deceased guardian. the point is in wills make sure they use your full legal name.

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Legal Prostitution.

Does the money people get for the foster child get spent on the real child instead?

Not every foster family has their own children. And it is impossible to track the money down to the penny but foster families do have to account for spending the money. Yes there is some bad people in the system and some fraud.

How do you start a pet adoption business?

To start a pet adoption organization, you need money and fundraising skills. You also need a suitable building or a network of foster homes, volunteers, an affordable veterinarian, and marketing skills to get the animals adopted.