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because sodium chloride itself is madee up of positive sodium and negative chloride ions

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Q: Why does sodium chloride not dissolve in non-polar solvents?
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Why does sodium chloride does not dissolved in an organic solvent?

Sodium chloride is a polar compound; organic solvents are nonpolar.

What organic solvents can dissolve sodium chloride?

Examples: propylene glycol, formamide.

Why NaCl is soluble in water but I2 is not?

Iodine is not a soluble because its non polar and does not dissolve in water , it sinks to the bottom and turns the water a yellow colour.

Why is NaCl soluble in water but iodine not?

Sodium chloride and water are polar compounds. Iodine is soluble in nonpolar organic solvents.

Will sodium chloride dissolves in carbon tetrachloride?

NaCl will not dissolve in CCl4 is a polar molecule and polar molecule will only dissolve other polar molecules. As the same goes for non polar molecules.

Why NaCl is not soluble organic solvents?

Sodium chloride is a molar compound, organic solvents are generally not polar. But sodium chloride is soluble in propylene glycol, formamide, glycerin.

Does sodium oxide dissolve in water?

No (because it is nonpolar).

Why is it that sodium chloride does not dissolve when heated?

The melting point of sodium chloride is 801 0C.

What property is sodium chloride dissolve in water?

Sodium chloride is an ionic, polar compound.

Why is sodium chloride insoluble in gasoline?

Because sodium chloride is a polar compound and the components of gasoline are not.

Will calcium carbonate be dissolve in sodium chloride?

No, it wont dissolve.

Is fat polar?

Fats and oils are nonpolar, so they will remain separate from molecules of a polar solvent such as water. Sodium and chloride ions are attracted to charged regions on molecules of polar solvents such as water.