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Anything that dissolves in water, such as sugar or salt, does so because it has an attraction on the molecular level; sugar molecules attract water molecules. This attraction helps to overcome the attraction that water molecules have for each other, which holds them together in a frozen form.

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Q: Why does sugar melt ice faster than flour?
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Does salt or sugar melt faster?

When sugar is in water, it dissolves faster than salt does. I do not know the scientific reason why, but sugar melts faster.

Does a ice cube with flour on it melt faster than one with out?

Well actually it does. It takes about 1 hour for ice to melt by itself. If it has flour on it, it might take about40 minutes to melt.

Does ice by itself melt faster than ice with sugar?


What is the hypothesis of this question what makes ice melt the fastest sand salt sugar or sugar?

You need to determine what you think will melt the fastest, and that will be your hypothesis. If you think that pepper will melt it faster, you would say "My hypothesis is that the pepper will melt ice faster than the other variables (sand, salt, and sugar)."

Does brown sugar melt faster than white sugar in hot water?

Sugar of either color does not "melt" in hot water but rather dissolves; brown sugar has some impurities which are not so soluble in water, so that white sugar will seem to dissolve faster.

Does white sugar melt faster in hot water than brown sugar?

Sugar of either color does not "melt" in hot water but rather dissolves; brown sugar has some impurities which are not so soluble in water, so that white sugar will seem to dissolve faster.

Why does salt melt ice faster than sugar?

Because its molar mass is lower.

Why does sugar melt faster in hot tea than in ice tea?

Sugar melts faster in hot tea because the heat of the water causes it to melt more quickly. Iced water is very cold and the sugar takes longer to dissolve.

What is the hypothesis of this question what makes ice melt the fastest sand salt sugar or pepper?

You need to determine what you think will melt the fastest, and that will be your hypothesis. If you think that pepper will melt it faster, you would say "My hypothesis is that the pepper will melt ice faster than the other variables (sand, salt, and sugar)."

What melts ice faster salt sugar or chalk?

Salt will melt ice faster than sugar or chalk. This is why most people will apply salt to icy sidewalks as opposed to sugar or chalk.

Why do coke cubes melt faster than orange juice or gaterade?

becuz it has caffine and more sugar than the other 2

Does salt melt ice cubes faster than sugar?

yes. because one mole of salt contain double no of particles as compare to sugar.