

Why does the low tide occurs?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why does the low tide occurs?
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Is it true that a low tide occurs at the point on earth farthest from the moon?

No. High tide occurs at both he points nearest the moon and farthest from it. Low tide occurs at right angles tot hose positions.

The greatest difference between low and high tide occurs during what tide?

spring tide .. ;)

What are different kinds of tide?

you have a high tide and low tide, tides are affected by the Moon. There is also something called Neap tide and Spring tide. Spring tide occurs in spring and sometime throughout the year. Neap tide is when there is a higher low tide and a lower low tide. Spring tide is when there is a higher low tide and lower high tide

Does a low tide occur at the point on earth farthest from the moon?

no...... a low tide occurs between the two high tides... :) hope this helped.... :)

Is spring tide like high tide or like low tide?

i think it's like a low tide, though I'm not exactly sure(: The previous answer is incorrect. A spring tide is the highest tide of the year and occurs when the moon is closest to the earth during its rotation around the earth.

Why do tides occour?

the moons gravitational pull causes the tides. high tide and low tide. Also each tide occurs twice each day

What occurs twice each day in an ocean?

High tide and low tide both usually occur twice in 24 hours.

how does high tide and low tide occurs?

The tides are caused by the pull of the moon travelling around the planet (and also to some extent by the sun).

What is The least difference between high and low tide occurs?

On a spring tide, the sea comes high up the beach and then goes low down the beach. A neap tide goes high and low between the range of a spring tide (half way up and half way down the beach).

How may hours low tides happen every day?

Low tide occurs approximately every 12 hours.

What is a spring tide and a neap tides?

Neap tide occurs when the moon, earth, and sun are making a right angle.Spring tide occurs when they are in a straight line.Spring tide is the highest tideNeap Tide is when the tide is the lowestA spring tide is occurs when the moon is in alignment with the earth and sun at the same time. This happens during the new moon and full moon phases. When a spring tide occurs, the low tides are REALLY low and the high tides are VERY high.A neap tide is the exact opposite...the difference in tides is not as distinguishable. The high tides are fairly low and the low tides are not too low. This occurs when the moon is in its first or third (last) quarter phases (not in alignment with the sun).During the full moon and new moon days, the sun, the earth and the moon are in the same line and the tides are highest. These tides are called spring tides. But when yhe moon is in its first and last quarter, the ocean waters get drawn in diagonally opposite directions by the gravitational pull of the sun and the earth resulting in low tides. These tides are called neap tides.

What happens when the moon faces the other side of the earth?

one of the many different tides occurs. like a spring tide or a neap tide can occur. two types of tides are a high tide and a low tide