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I will be astonished if you show me a river at 100 degrees Celsius in which the water is not actually boiling, let alone evaporating. Perhaps you mean: why does water in rivers evaporate at temperatures below 100 degrees Celsius. To which the answer is: water has a finite vapor pressure at every temperature; if that vapor pressure exceeds the partial pressure of water vapor in the atmosphere above the water, some of the water will evaporate until the partial pressure is equal to the vapor pressure. Even ice evaporates. Make some ice and leave it in your freezer for a long time. The ice cubes will shrink.

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Q: Why does water in the rivers not evaporate at 100 C?
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What temperature dose water evaporate?

At normal pressure, pure water does evaporate at 373 Kelvin (100 deg C).

Does water evaporate at 0 C?

No. Under normal conditions it freezes/ice melts at 0 degrees C. Water boils at 100 degrees C.

When measuring the temperature of boiling water the temperature often comes out highter than 100c why might this happen?

Impurities. Impurities in water will cause the water to evaporate at a slightly higher temperature than 100 deg C. If you where to use distilled water it would evaporate at 100 deg C.

What temperature does water turn to steam?

At normal atmospheric pressure, it is 100 deg C. However, water will evaporate at a much lower temperature.

On the Celsius scale at what temperature does water evaporate?

It will evaporate at any temperature, as long as the humidity is less than 100%. It does evaporate much faster at higher temperatures though. Technically the boiling point of pure water is 100 degrees C, so that is the temperature at which it becomes gas.

If you continued to heat a pot of water after it reaches boiling point what would happen?

If the water is actively boiling, it is never more than 100 degrees Celsius (212°F).When water is not boiling (because of pressure or lack of nucleation points), it can become hotter than 100°C, a process known as superheating.

Why do you need to cook some foods longer in the mountains?

Because water boils lower than 100°C on a mountain, can you cook the food the water has already started to evaporate leaving food partially cooked or raw.

Is it true the freezing point of water is 100 C?

No, 100 C is the boiling point of water.

Is 0 degrees celsius is the evaporation of water?

Water can evaporate at 0 deg C. It is the triple point of H2O. More accurately 0.01 deg C

Is their water on Venus'?

No, there is no rainfall on Venus, even if there was, the water would evaporate before it even touched the surface as it is about 400 °C.

Can water boil at 100 degrees C?

Yes, the boiling point of water is normally at 100 degrees Celsius

What happens when energy is added to water at 100 C?

Assuming that that is the boiling point (note: the boiling point varies, depending on pressure), then adding heat energy will make the water evaporate. Water at 100 degrees will become steam at 100 degrees.Instead of increasing the kinetic (movement) energy of the particles, the energy will increase their potential energy (the phase change).