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This could indicate a slight blockage in your sewer line. Get a plumber asap to assess your sewer line, it may need cleaning or clearing, and rather get the problem early than later when the job becomes costly.

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Q: Why does water spit out of the toilet and not drain when you flush?
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Why would water gurgle and spit out of the bathroom sink and tub drain when you try to flush and plunge the toilet but the toilet will not completely flush even when you plunge it?

Until a professonal replaces or modifies this answer, I'll take a shot at it. From your description of the symptoms, it sounds like you have two problems. The gurgling, spitting "back up" out of the tub and lavatory drains suggest: 1. A significant restriction or near total blockage in the sewer line "downstream" of the toilet and both of those fixtures, and 2. A similar severe restriction or a total blockage in the roof vent system, whose purpose is to prevent pressure built up in the drain system. The few gallons of water involved in the flush take up space [normally only temporarily] in the drain pipe system, and if the venting system is open to the atmosphere, is compensated for by air and sewer gasses being vented to the atmosphere. On the other hand, IF the vent system is blocked, the air pressure buildup in the system causes blow back through the water in the "traps" below the lavatory and tub, which causes the "gurgling and spiting." Hope this helps. j3h.

Why does your toilet spit?

beacause bjskjsljijl??><.akj

Is there such a thing as a spit rail in a pool?

The interior hand rail and drain often found in professional competitive pools are referred to by the slang term "spit rail" since swimmers could spit into them without fouling the pool water.

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first you spit on your cards, then you go flush them down the toilet.

Can you hook a urinal's flushing into a sink's plumbing?

Yes, the cold feed to fill the flush tank is normally taken from the sinks cold supply and vice versa. However, remember to place an inline isolator so that at any time you have an issue with the flush you can stop the water and still have the feed to the sink unit. This is now becoming good practice. If possible spit the sink off as well from the main feed to have an in-line isolator there again to stop water to the sink but allow it to the flush - This is more important with a home that has a single toilet .

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Some words that rhyme with "problem" and have to do with sewage are "globin" (a protein in sewage) and "bottom" (referring to the bottom of a sewage tank).

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Is water dinosaurs spit?

Yes, it is most likely that dinosaur spit is made of mostly water.

Why does water spit out of air conditioners?

Because there is an algae buildup inside that is blocking the normal channel for the water to drain/ You need to remove the air conditioner from the window and clean it thoroughly, ensuring that no electrical parts get wet.

Do fish have spit?

yes does bubbles at the top of the water are made by spit

How do you downlod kid pix?

you pee in the toilet then drink the water in it then spit it out and you heve kidpix

Why do iguana spit?

Yes! I have seen them sneeze spit from their mouth but usually they will spit water from their nose it they get some in there.