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The Yeast eats the sugar and realeses Carbon Dioxide which causes the bread to rise.

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Q: Why is sugar needed for the yeast to work?
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How does brewer's yeast work in alcohol making?

Alcohol is a natural by-product of the process by which yeast convert sugar to energy.

Why wouldn't yeast and water inflate a balloon unless you add sugar?

The sugar is needed as food for the yeast. The yeast gives off carbon dioxide as it digests the sugar. The carbon dioxide could be used to inflate the balloon. Without the sugar, the yeast remains dormant and does not give off carbon dioxide.

Why does cornmeal work with yeast to produce gas?

Yeast eats the sugar in the syrup. It then poops out co2 and alcohol. The carbon is a byproduct that comes from the yeast after eating sugars.

What are the materials needed for the production of bagels?

yeast, flour, baking powder,salt,and sugar

Sugar and yeast?

There is no sugar in yeast because it is a living organism and living organisms don't need sugar.

What does sugar do to yeast?

Yeast will respire the sugar causing the yeast to give off Carbon Dioxide.

Does alcohal have yeast in it?

No, alcohol does not have yeast in it; it is produced by yeast from sugar.

Will baking powder and water produce alcohol?

No. Sugar and a fermenting agent eg yeast is needed to produce alcohol.

What role does sugar play in mixing with yeast?

yeast only feeds on things with a sugar ingredent so, sugar feeds yeast, cause it grow.

Why do we use sugar in yeast?

the sugar has power over fermentation. fermentation can not continue without sugar or yeast

Does yeast eat sugar?

No, sugar is NOT necessary when making yeast bread. Yeast has enough simple sugars in flour to grow and multiply.

Why does a sugar solution become alcoholic on adding yeast?

Yeast consumes sugar and as a byproduct you get alcohol. In simple terms, yeast eats sugar and pees out alcohol.