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If dogs chew their feet, it's most likely that their feet are itchy. This could be for a number of reasons. The most likely reasons are that: it has an infection; it has an allergy to something it has been in contact with; or it just likes to chew it's feet. If it is chewing all of its feet, an infection is unlikely, but do check it's paws for anything that could be lodged, like a grass seed or some grit. If you were to find a piece of grass in it's paw that you couldn't remove DO NOT PULL AT IT, this will be excruciating for the dog and you should take it to the vet immedeatley, as this may be a piece of grass that is growing in it's paw (this is unlikely though, and with treatment the dog would be fine, so don't worry). If it isn't an infection, it may be an allergy. Allergies in pets can easily be treated with medication, upon finding out what it is allergic to of course. Another possibility is that your dog just likes chewing it's feet. My labradoodle does this and the vet says he's perfectly fine. There are many other possibilities, however, and I'm no vet, so consulting a vet is your best option. Hope this helps :)

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13y ago

If you think about it, there actually maybe something wrong with his feet. He may have some sort of insect that is biting his foot, so to try to get rid of it, he may be biting it to take the insect(s) off. The best thing to do is to talk to your vet and tell him/her the issue, because the dog may be suffering from something we may not know about. Probably not, but just talk to your vet.

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14y ago

He might be chewing his feet because there might be fleas on it or he just wants something to chew or its just real itchy

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