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That is because you are allergic to them... if thats all that happens then you are mildly allergic to them, but you should see an allergist just to be careful, and get tested to see if you are allergic to any other fruits.

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Q: Why does your tongue split and hurt when eating tomatoes or bananas?
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Does a bananna have seeds?

Wild bananas do in fact have seeds. These seeds are just a bit smaller then a peanuts. Domestic bananas or the bananas you are use to buying in the stores are way smaller then peanuts. Normally a small black seed like a watermelon.

List five things available to you that you might use for a DNA source besides an example of split peas?

wheat, chicken liver, broccoli, strawberries, and bananas.

If you split your tongue can you still taste?

yes, you can still taste Your taste buds do not connect to a central core prior to sending the chemical compounds to your brain. Splitting the tongue will probably kill quite a few taste buds (not as many as smoking, but still bad). I do believe that taste buds can not heal, but the types are spread throughout your tongue. Each section of the outer area of your tongue has a majority to each taste, such as the tip of your tongue contains mostly sweet sensing tastebuds, but those taste buds are still found throughout your tongue.

Is pollen haploid or diploid?

Fruits are diploids. Some fruits, like the bananas that we eat (not wild bananas) are triploids. This is to eliminate the seeds (hence why commercial bananas don't have seeds) Fruits that have seeds must have an even number of chromosomal pairs (2, 4, 6) to reproduce. Fruits that don't have seeds are genetically engineered and cannot be reproduced because the number of chromosomes can't evenly split during meiosis.

Can low potassium cause leg swelling?

I doubt it, they say eating bananas causes you not to get cramps, but two days ago i had a banana milk shake for breakfast, a banana split later on that day, and a banana for a late snack, and i woke up with an awful leg cramp at around 2:00am, and i don't ever get leg cramps, so i don't know if that answers your question if potassium is a real cure for leg cramps.yes

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