

Why dogs kill their puppies?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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because they can

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Q: Why dogs kill their puppies?
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Why does chocolate kill dogs and puppies?

Chocolate has an ingredient in it that is toxic to dogs and puppies. Please DO NOT feed chocolate to them. It does not instantly kill them, but hurts the liver and kidneys and eventually this will kill them.

Can you use rid worm liquid for dogs and puppies on cats?

no you will kill them

What animals are predators of puppies?

Other dogs sometimes kill puppies as will wild canids like wolves, or foxes, or hawks.

Why are pregnant dogs kill right away at the pound?

because if it is pregnant and it has the puppies at the pound they will not have room for other dogs

Is it okay for another unrelated dog to interact with a dogs puppies even though they're only two weeks old?

Not okay. Unrelated dogs often will kill puppies.

How do dogs kill their prey?

Sometimes they lie on top of the puppies and suffocate them.

Why do bithes kill their puppies?

I believe they try to kill their puppies cause they know there is something wrong with them, like they have a birth defeact or something.

Why do dogs kill other dogs puppies?

It is to keep their dominance over the area so the other male can't spread its genes

What state do puppies like the most?

Puppies like the state Florida the best. I have studied the behavior of puppies and dogs for many years and out of thousands of dogs and puppies and species, the puppies and dogs liked Florida the best.

How often do dogs have puppies?

Dogs normally have puppies every 6 months.

How old do dogs have 2 be 2 have puppies?

The dogs have to be 12 months to have puppies...

12 dogs in a park 2 of them are puppies. what fraction of the dogs are puppies?

2/12 or 1/6 of them are puppies