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Wow! That's news to me! There are all kinds of folks in the world, and some may not prefer to be around youngsters a lot. That's ok. But I think the majority of people, especially those who have had kids, really like them. It's really unfortunate that you seem to have another experience of things. You must have a teacher, or counselor or trusted adult friend or parent who can talk this through with you. Whatever you do, for the sake of safety, don't find an adult to talk with who is not known to your teachers and caregivers.

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15y ago

well,of course not.

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Q: What do you dislike about kids?
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Most kids abhor conformity and enjoy at least some degree of originality.

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The kids seemed to have an innate dislike of cleanliness in their rooms.

Why wouldn't kids like Barack Obama?

There is no reason why they wouldn't like him. By most accounts from people who have met him and his wife Michelle, they are very friendly to kids. But sadly, some parents teach their kids to dislike the president because they didn't vote for him. Kids are innocent and don't know about politics, so ideally, they should be taught to respect the president, whoever it is, and not be given their parents' personal dislike of the person in the White House. Thus, the only kids who don't like the president are probably the kids who were taught to dislike him.

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that's easy you just say its something that it is that they do like

What will happen to spoiled kids when they grow up?

They might be less popular, and many people will dislike them.

What reason would prevent you from becoming a teacher?

Dislike Kids Low Pay No Degree Criminal Record

Are Siamese good with kids?

usually yes but they tend to strongly dislike any roughousing. hope i helped

What foods do kids dislike most?

Reindeer pate. What's the difference between broccoli and boogies? Kids don't like to eat broccoli : ) (LOL)

Why do people hate it when kids play FPS games?

People hate it or dislike it when kids play FPS (first person shooter) games because the games depict violence.

What percentage of kids dislike school uniforms?

Absolutely ,positivly,certainly,100% of kids totally hate school uniforms,even though they dont act like it in front of teachers.

What is a sentence with the word dislike?

I dislike arrogance.Describe what you dislike about your job.She was not shy about her dislike for her ex-boyfriend.