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My guess would be cost. If they're using high fructose corn syrup because cane sugar is too expensive, the same is probably true here.

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Q: Why don't diet sodas use Erythritol instead of aspartame?
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What has aspartame?

Anything that has it listed as an ingredient...most diet sodas and other low-calorie diet foods.

Are there any carbonated beverages that do not contain aspartame?

Yes. In 2005 Coca-Cola made a soda with Splenda instead of aspartame. It also has zero calories.

How does diet pops have taste but no calories?

Diet sodas are made with artificial sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda) or aspartame, which are indigestible and thus are passed right through the body without providing energy.

What type of artificial sugars are found in diet sodas?

aspartame after the sweetener became available in the United States in 1983; to save money, this was originally in a blend with saccharin.

How many calories in aspartame?

That's the same as asking how many grams in a cup. There are 236.5 grams in a cup.

What are the ingredients in Bubblicious gum?

One of the ingredients in Bubblious bubble gum is a deadly sweetener called Aspartame also used in diet sodas & low fat yogurt.

What artificial sweeteners were used in Diet Sodas in the USA beginning in 1969?

The artificial sweetener used is Aspartame. It is about 300 times sweetner than natural sugar and is actually a dipeptide composed of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. I believe one of the first popular artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas within the USA was saccharin.

What pop contains aspartame?

Pepsi One products and CocaCola make diet sodas that use splenda. However, these are still artificial sweetners. The only thing you can really do to get that carbonated buzz without the calories or sweetners is learn to drink calorie free seltzer water. It's not bad with a hint of lemon, lime or splash of juice (only adds a handful of calories).

How dangerous is diet soda and what is in it that's so dangerous?

Sometimes you can get migraines if you have allergies to caffeine or aspartame (artificial sweetener),but that's pretty rare. I think diet sodas can cause miscarriages if you're pregnant, but other than that, they're okay.

Do diet sodas have calories?

Most diet sodas have either one or zero calories, but some have a few.

What has more aspartame diet Pepsi or diet coke?

diet coke