

Why don't sea turtles have gills?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Sea turtles do not breathe like fish, instead, they respire using lungs. This requires them to surface often enough to acquire enough oxygen for living. A sea turtle does not need to breathe as much as other air-breathing animals, however, as they can withstand a much higher carbon dioxide concentration in their blood.

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Does a sea turtle have gills?

No, sea turtles have lungs that can quickly refill when they come up to breathe on the surface of the water. Green and Loggerhead turtles can hold their breath for about 4 to 5 minutes during a routine activity. But Loggerheads are known for longer dives.

Can sea turtles breath underwater?

Turtles don't breathe under water. They've got lungs - not gills. They hold their breath when they dive.

Do sea turtles have lungs and gills?

This is actually a hard question to answer. Because Turtles can actually diffuse oxygen from the water with what is commonly referred to as Bum Gills. They aren't actually gills, but have the similar function.

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i dont know or care

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no they dont have any camouflage of their enviroment

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Sea otters do not have gills because they are mammals.

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well since sea turtles rarely sleep they really dont but if they do they will sleep on a nearby beach

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They have gills and tubular feet

What do turtles have that fish don't?

Shells, and some turtles have gills while others do not.

What are the the sea largest sea turtles?

The largest sea turtles are the leatherbacks

How much space do sea turtles need?

apperintly u dont now it is 10ft

Can turtles breathe on land?

Turtles have lungs - not gills. They breathe just fine in air, on land.