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it should have unit of energy

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Q: Why electronegativity has no unit?
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Related questions

How electronegativity can be measured by scale?

Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons toward itself. This is all done through covalent bonding.

How do you calculate the pH of NaCl?

Sodium's electronegativity is around 0.9, while Chlorine's electronegativity is around 3.0. To find the difference in electronegativity for sodium chloride, subtract the two. 3.0 - 0.9 = 2.1

State the definition and trend for electronegativity?

Electronegativity is the ability for an atom to attract electrons. It is expressed in numeric values in Paulings (a unit named after a chemist). On the periodic table it increases from left to right across a period. It decreases down a group on the periodic table.

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What is lead's electronegativity?

Pauling electronegativity 2.33 Sanderson electronegativity 2.29 Allred Rochow electronegativity 1.55 Mulliken-Jaffe electronegativity 2.41 (sp3 orbital) Allen electronegativity no data

What is the temdency of an atom to attract electrons called?


What properties tells the most about stability of a metal?

You think probable to electronegativity.

What is the unit used for measuring atoms?

Answer: their is no unit for measureing atoms that i know of and i am a science teacher. Answer: You should first decide what aspect of an atom you want to measure: its mass, its diameter, its speed, its electronegativity, etc.

What happens to electronegativity as you go across a period?

The electronegativity increases

What is the electronegativity of potassium?

.8 Is the electronegativity of Potassium

What is the electronegativity of boron?

the electronegativity of boron is 2.04

What is electronegativity of iron?

the electronegativity of iron is 1.8