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Petrol or gasoline is made from the lighter parts of crude oil, and is simply more volatile than kerosene or diesel, because the molecules are smaller. In some countries including the US, the grade of gas is varied winter to summer, to make it volatile enough in cold weather and not too volatile in hot.

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Q: Why evaporation of petrol is fast?
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Is evaporation of petrol a physical change?

Evaporation is a physical chsange.

What is the correct increasing order of evaporation of petrol alcohol kerosene water?

kerosine oil, water, alcohol, petrol...:)

Where is evaporation used?

evaporating is used in preparation of petrol, etc.

What happens when petrol is heated?

It becomes less viscous, and gives off more vapors(evaporation).

Why does petrol evaporate fast?

because it has very less density.

When is evaporation fast?

When the temperature difference and air movement is the greatest

Why do tap water evaporate fast?

Evaporation (not vaporization) occur at any temperature; a higher temperature increase the rate of evaporation. For evaporation solutes effect is not so important.

Does evaporation happen every day?

Yes it does, and this does not only apply to moisture. Most none liquids such as iron, plastics even glass will break down if given enough time. Fuel such as petrol will evaporate very quickly. When you smell petrol you are really smelling evaporating petrol.

What is a liquid doing when it is evaporating as fast as it can?

Evaporation at maxiumum speed is boiling.

Is evaporation slower in warm air?

Evaporation is slower in warm air then it is hot air because the molecules don't start moving as fast. This means evaporation doesn't happen quickly.

Why does your palm feel cold when you put some acetone petrol or perfume on it?

this is because of inert gases present in perfume

How fast liquid water changes into water vapour or steam is called?
