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Because brain dissection meant certain death for the specimen

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How can i sedate frog before dissection?

diethyl either

What type of drawing is is required before you begin a worm dissection?

Before you begin a dissection, it is helpful to draw lines along the body of the future dissected body to trace where you will be performing your cuts.

How serious is a radical neck dissection?

Radical neck dissection is a major operation. Extensive tests are done before the operation to try to determine where and how far the cancer has spread.

What would be considered a safe and ethical laboratory dissection procedure?

THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION IS:sterilizing all used dissection tools and equipment before putting them awaystudy islandhehe lol i hate science

What effect do the narrators decisions have on the people of Borneo?

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The funeral of the narrator’s father- APEX

What is a proper dissection procedure?

If it a class dissection some of the most important safety procedures to follow include the following: * Avoid contact, such as to the eyes, mouth, or other sensitive areas, with any chemicals used to preserve the specimen. Also thoroughly rinse off the specimen off the chemicals before beginning dissection. * If the chemicals do come in contact with your eyes, know where the nearest eye-wash station is. * Firmly secure specimen to your dissecting pan. DO NOT dissect specimen while holding it. * Handle the scalpel with extreme care and always cut away from others and yourself. * Properly dispose of the dissected specimen and organs as directed by your teacher or leader in the dissection. * Clean your dissection area and tools thoroughly and return the tools to their correct storage places. * WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER DISSECTION There are more guidelines at the link given below.

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The most common use is to hold a specimen for dissection. Before ray boxes were readily available, we used to use large pins for optics experiments.

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Attempt a two point conversion

Has Abraham ever been shot at before he was assassinated?

no technically it had an attempt but no