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The tickle is usually caused by a post nasal drip due to Allergies or some other sinus alignment like a cold. The tickle can also be accomplanied with coughing or a sore throat. It will usually go away on it's own, but if it doesn't you should see your primary care physician.

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Q: Why have you got a constant tickle in your throat?
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Why do you get a tickle feeling in your throat when you eat ice cream?

it is the way it slides against your throat

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it will tickle your throat

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mighty have eaten something bad, got hit by something HARD, have a tickle in the throat, ate too much

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Tickle your throat with a feather

Tickle in throat no infection and the throat is not sore?

you probably just have a cold. if your super worried go see a doctor.

How do you stop a throat tickle?

Cough syrup, or, try a teaspoon of Honey mixed with hot water, it is nice and it helps.

What does it mean to have a tickle in the throat and cough?

I have that just now it's extremely annoying! My throat tickles when I breathe in and it makes me cough. It could just be a cold or something more serious like throat cancer.

How do you get a guy to tickle you in school?

To actually tickle or to flirt? If it's flirt you've just got to smile at him and show him that your interested.

Another word for cough?

ahem, bark, cold, croup, frog in throat, hack, hem, tickle in throat, whoop-(

If i got hit in the throat Playing football and got elbowed in the throat what do you do?

Get to the freaking hospital and have my sex changed

Is the game tickle monster real?

yes it is real. How to play tickle monster. First, we have to pick a tickle monster. Then you have to run away from the tickle monster and try not to get tagged or then you will have to go and sit down. The way to not get tagged is to crouch down when the tickle monster is near you. You can only be down until he or she goes away. The name tickle monster I got when I first played my game that I made and we were playing tag. Then I started to tickle the kids so I made the game tickle monster. We can also play it like the kids can tickle the monster but the monster has to keep running.