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There are two main theories - one is that they were the initials of the first cities that the Romans conquered.

The most likely explanation for the dressage letters comes from the days of the Old German Imperial Court. Courtiers representing the various dignatories would be positioned around the stable yard in a strict order with the horses ready to ride.

The ranks were:

K = Kaiser

F = First Prince

P = Pferdknecht/Ostler

V = Vassal

E = Edeling/Ehrengast/Guest of Honour

B = Bannertrager/Standard Bearer

S = Schzkanzier/Chancellor of the Exchequer

R = Ritter/Knight

M = Meier/Steward

H = Hofsmarshaller/Lord Chancellor

The observant among you will notice that letters on the centre line are also used, A, D, L, X, I, G and C. Where these just letters from the alphabet to fill in the gaps, or is there a real reason behind them?

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Q: Why in dressage are the markers akehcmbf used and not abcdefgh sequence?
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What letters are used as a marker in riding school?

If you mean that you are horseback riding and there are letters in the arena, you are riding in a dressage arena. A dressage arena usually has eight letters around the sides of the arena. Starting on the short end, the letters should be AKEHCMBF. A and C are in the middle of the short sides and KEH and CMB are on the two long sides. These letters are markers that are used in a dressage test. gs

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What do you call it when you start a sentence with first followed by a comma?

First,...; Next,...; After that,...; Then...; Finally,..., are what's known as (Sequence Markers) They are used at the beginning of sentences to illustrate the sequence of events.

What is codominant and dominant markers?

Dominant markers are high efficiency markers that allow the analysis of many loci per experiment without requiring previous information about their sequence. Co-dominant markers are allows the analysis of only a single locus per experiment, so they are more informative because the allelic variation for that locus can be distinguished.

What is codominant marker dominant marker?

Dominant markers are high efficiency markers that allow the analysis of many loci per experiment without requiring previous information about their sequence. Co-dominant markers are allows the analysis of only a single locus per experiment, so they are more informative because the allelic variation for that locus can be distinguished.

What are graffiti markers used for?

Graffiti markers are markers that graffiti artists use to complete their street art. There are several different types of graffiti markers, and each has it's own purpose. There are paint markers, ink markers, squeeze markers, industrial markers, and empty markers.

How can you write an expression for the total number of markers that are NOT black with for 6 blue markers 4 purple markers 5 black markers and 7 red markers?

17 markers

Santo has 14 yellow markers he has twice as many blue markers as yellow markers he has twice as many red markers as blue markers how many markers does he have in all?

98 markers.He has 98 in all.

What are the standard measurements for a dressage arena?

A short (small) dressage arena should be 20 x 40 meters (about 66 feet x 132 feet); a standard (large) dressage arena is 20 x 60 meters (about 66 feet x 198 feet). The larger arena is used for all upper-level dressage competition, while lower-level tests are often performed in a short arena (although either may be used). Dressage arenas are marked with letters that indicate where specific parts of the test begin and end, and that describe the dimensions of the area in which a movement is to be performed. Short (small) areas use the letters AKEHCMBF (use the mnemonic All King Edward's Horses Call Me Blessed Fool) as markers. The letters A and C indicate the center point of the short sides, with A representing the entrance to the arena. E and H are the center of the long sides. The invisible centerline of the arena is called DXG, with X representing the exact center. These are not typically marked to prevent interference with the test. Moving in a clockwise direction from A, the endpoints are marked with the letters K, H, M and F, which should be placed 6 meters (19'8") in from the corners along the long sides. When properly laid out, the outer letters will be set clockwise from A as AKEHCMBF. The letters for the standard (larger) arena are AKVESHCMRBPF with DLXIG representing the centerline from A to C, but not marked. The layout of letters is the same as for the smaller arena, but with the addition of V and S placed midway between the corner and middle letters along the far long side, and R and P placed midway between the corner and middle letters on the near long side. If you're now thoroughly confused, click the links below to see diagrams of both arenas.

Are Mr. Sketch markers magic markers?

Both are brand names for permanent markers.

What is it transional markers?

transional markers are markers that transition. I actually dont know but i like minecraft ;-)