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Anne Frank is inspirational because, despite facing tremendous hardships while in hiding during World War II, she maintained hope, optimism, and empathy towards others. Her diary, which documented her thoughts and feelings during that time, has had a profound impact on readers around the world, helping to educate people about the horrors of the Holocaust and the importance of standing up against injustice. Her legacy serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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9y ago

Anne Frank is the voice that represents all those girls who died in concentration camps. She was a very smart person who inspires us to not let anything get in our way she made it to the end, even though she didn't survive. Many people only think she's a person in a war. She more than that she got discriminated and yet she stayed strong. She's an inspiration to not give up, like she would have and have fun with life.

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13y ago

In the Holocaust we see the extreme of human evil, but we also see that there were at least some people who did the right thing, who tried to help those who were being so cruelly and unjustly persecuted and killed. So, a family was willing to hide the Franks, and the Franks themselves were willing to live under very difficult conditions in the hope of the eventual return of sanity to Europe - a hope which in their case was not realized, since sanity did not return soon enough. So, Anne Frank showed courage. Perhaps we can be inspired to be courageous under difficult circumstances. And who knows what difficulties are coming in the 21st century. It promises to be, if anything, an even more difficult century than the 20th. And the 20th was incredibly difficult.

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