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personally i don't believe in it climate change is normal in the 1800's there was barely any snow.

A:Global warming is happening. The global mean average temperature has risen approximately 1.33°F (0.74°C) over the past 100 years. This is confirmed by many independent lines of evidence. Global warming is further indicated by trends such as ice sheet melting and rising sea level, measurable increase in the severity of weather, changes in the behavior of migratory species, etc.
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11y ago

Permanent global warming is technically impossible. The earth has a built in thermostat - the water cycle. As the earth warms up, more water evaporates from the bodies of water on the earth, causing more clouds to form in the atmosphere. Clouds have the ability to reflect light back into space, which reduces the amount of light that reaches the earth to increase the temperature. Consequently, the earth cools back down, which, in turn, reduces the number of clouds that form in the sky. And the whole cycle starts back over again, keeping the earth at a somewhat constant temperature.

If the greenhouse effect did, in fact, start to raise the temperature of the earth, as global warming suggests, this cooling system would automatically kick in. This would cause more clouds to form, which equals less light reaching the earth, which equals lower temperatures. The water cycle would neutralize any temperature spikes caused by the greenhouse effect. This proves that greenhouse gasses don't cause "disastrous, permanent temperature spikes" like the current stereotype suggests, but instead cause cloudier weather and less rainfall.

Prior to global warming there was the global cooling conspirators. Since the world did not cooperate the conspirators decided to go with global warming. The world still does not go along and has its moments of cooling, rain and record cold. Although the conspirators will tell you it's all because of global warming that we are having global cooling. In other words, global cooling is creating global warming.

Consider global warming as a vehicle for profit for people like Al Gore, Maury Strong, Edmund Gerald "Jerry" Brown, Jr. and the like. They profit from taking advantage of global warming. Al Gore wants to sell air credits, Maury Strong wants to control nations through socialized environmentalism and Jerry Brown gave us the failed nox device. The bottom line is there is money to be made from global warming.

The State of California mandates smoging of vehicles every two years. Here citizens have to pay for an inspection and a certificate. The State collects the fee and income taxes from the test station and so forth.

Perhaps this concept is to be considered capitalism at its worse. No, capitalism is not the offender here; its socialism...socialized environmentalism. The merging of state and corporate power is a definition of fascism.

It's not to say that global warming doesn't happen at times. Consider the drought during the time of the ancient Egyptians. The rains failed to fall and the Nile dried up. The political system failed to bring the rains. The world does go through weather cycles and there are times of both extreme cooling and warming. The world has its moments and some people are there to take advantage of it. It's when the world fails to cooperate that the truth comes out.

The truth of the matter is that man can also be blamed for global warming. The biggest fiasco was the greed under the Obama administration with British Petroleum causing an oil spill resulting in damage to the gulf stream. The next problem is jet aircraft and the damage to the gulf stream. Other issues can be chemtrails, harp and telecommunications aside from the much said manufacturing and carbon fuels. Lump all together and you get global warming.

Worth notice is the earth itself and its inclination and gyroscopic rotation. I thought is interesting that the atomic clock had to be reset because the earth slowed down its rotation. Slow down the rotation on the rotisserie and the heat side heats up and the cool side cools down. Add a bobble here and there and reduce the inclination some and you get extreme weather patterns. The ice caps should melt do to the warm water being affected by the oil spill. As for the air above, September 11th put a stop to all air traffic and the result was a drastic ten degree drop in temperature as short lived as it was.

Global warming is false because it's a choreographed event much like professional Wrestling. It's not to say it isn't happening…it's to say that people are making it happen and that people are going to get hurt.

Answer 2:

First, calling it global warming is inaccurate. It is global climate change and some places get hotter and some colder and some wetter and some dryer and so on. But, since the driver of these effects is primarily the increase in heat retained by the atmosphere, we can for the purposes of this question use the oversimplified term.

Global warming has been verified repeatedly in numerous scientific studies. The issue is a quantitative one not amenable to advancement through uninformed conjecture. In science, a theory that predicts 99 things correctly and 1 thing wrong is called false. If you attempt to prove a theory wrong and you make 99 assertions of counter examples that are demonstrated incorrect and you make one that is demonstrated valid, you achieve success. Critics of global warming are required to do only two things to make their point. (1) First, identify an actual testable hypothesis made by the scientific model, not some misrepresentation. (2) Identify an actual verifiable data source in disagreement with the prediction. It hasn't happened yet.

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Global warming is the serious and rapid warming of the earth that has occurred in the last 100 years. Most people believe in it because science has shown that it is happening and people understand why it is happening.

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Not at all. By giving space to the opposing side, that variously claims that global warming is not happening, is happening but is not a problem, or is happening and is a problem but we have no power to stop it, the news media is unintentionally playing down the problem of global warming. This is a concern for scientists, who say global warming is real but can be stopped if we take decisive action before it is too late.

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Scientists would be relieved if they had not been able to prove that global warming is happening. They could move on and investigate more fruitful areas of science, feeling that at least this is one problem they do not have to worry about. It is because scientists have proven that global warming is happening that they are concerned.

Are you for or against global warming?

Most scientists and scientific organizations round the world agree that global warming is happening. A few scientists disagree.

How are you related to global warming?

If you use electricity, or ride in a car, or drink a can of beverage, then you are, in a small way, contributing to global warming. Global warming is happening because billions of us are all doing the same as you.