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Pancuronium Bromide stop the movement of muscles by competing with acetylcholine. This means once the muscle stop contracting a person can't breath and therefore pancuronium can be used in the lethal injection.

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Q: Why is Pancuronium Bromide used in the lethal injection?
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No they did not. Hanging is not used in this time period. But they did execute him with lethal injection.

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Lethal injection was first suggested in 1888 as a cheaper alternative to hanging. Oklahoma was the first state to adopt what's called the Chapman Protocol, in 1977; the first use of lethal injection was in Texas in 1982.

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Death by lethal injection hower electrocution may be used if the prisoner requests that method,

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Nowadays, the instrument used for death penalty is the lethal injection. Before, we have the electric chair, hanging and guillotine.

What methods are used in the death penalty in 2014?

Lethal injection is used in all 32 states that have capital punishment. Some states use electrocution (electric chair), five use the gas chamber, one uses the firing squad, and Delaware and Washington use hanging as alternatives to lethal injection.

What type of capital punishment was at issue in Baze v. Rees?

Lethal Injection was the punishment used at Baze V. Rees

What type of capital punishments are used in Missouri?

Missouri allows inmates to choose between lethal injection or the gas chamber.