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incase if boiler gauge glass breaks...this steel ball fits on the tube and it prevents of leakage of water.

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Q: Why is a ball given in the gauge glass?
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Why steel ball in boiler gauge glass?

Steel ball is used in boiler gauge glass to prevent overflow of water when ever gauge glass is broken..

Why gauge glass burst?

A gauge glass may burst depending on the gauge itself. High temperature and pressure situations may cause the glass to burst.

How do you measure the circumference of a cricket ball?

with ball gauge

Does a glass ball bounce higher tha a rubber ball?

No, the glass ball would probably break. And the rubber ball allows for an elastic collision.

What is zombie glass?

zombie glass is similar to high ball glass

How many ounces are in a high ball glass?

A high ball glass holds 8 to 11 ounces. Traditionally a high ball glass is taller than an Old Fashioned glass but shorter and wider than a Tom Collins glass if you are fussy about your barware.

What Ball Would Not Bounce?

A glass ball will not bounce.

Will a ball of steel bounce higher then a ball of glass?


Will a ball of glass Bounce higer then a ball of Rubber?

it is scientifically proven that a ball of glass bounces higher than a ball of rubber. No cause the glass would break if you drop it to high and the rubber one would not ! It depends on wether or not your counting the height the shards fly up.

What types of products does the Ball Corporation manufacture?

The Ball Corporation manufactures a variety of different products such as glass and plastic, purposed in its former name: Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Company.

How does the magic trick astro ball cabinet work?

The ball goes into the glass

What will happen if a glass ball is heated?

it will shatter