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Oviparous means that the animal lays eggs. Most fish lay eggs.

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Q: Why is a fish a oviparous animal?
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What is the meaning of the word oviparous?

Oviparous describes an animal that lays eggs.

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oviparous: lay eggs, the 'ovi' part means egg

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The terms oviparous and herbivorous mean two different things. "Oviparous" means that an animal is capable of laying eggs with little or no embryonic development in the mother. "Herbivorous" refers to animals that eat plants. So to answer your question, yes, a cow is an animal, but no she is not oviparous. She is a herbivore though.

An example of an oviparous animal?

A turtle.

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Are stingrays oviparous or ovoviviparous?

A fish is oviparous as it is an egg layer.