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Because your period isn't just your egg, it's also the walls of your uterus.

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Q: Why is a period so heavy if the egg is tiny?
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Is it bad to eat egg while on period and if so why?

Does a female have to drop an egg for her period to start?

Yes she dose because you her your period because the egg is not fertilised so an egg has to be there.. If you get me

What do sea monkeys egg sacs look like?

They are TINY! So cute! :)

Can you get ur period while you are pregnant?

No you can't have your period while you are pregnant. Your period is ment to flush out the un-fertalized egg and make way for a new one. When you are pregnant the egg is fertalized so there is no need for your body to get rid of the egg. meaning no period. _______________________________________

Could a girl get pregnant without ever getting her period?

Yes, she could. The period is the body's way of getting rid of an unfertilized egg. So there can be an egg prior to the first period.

Why do you get a periods?

When you get your first period that is the first sign that your body is getting prepared. They are getting ready for a pregnancy. That is not saying that you are pregnant, it's just saying that it's ready. Before you get your period, you cannot get pregnant. There have been cases where girls have gotten pregnant before their first period because they were about to have their period. That is why during pregnancy you do not have your period. You can gave spotting, but that's something different. The blood that is usually taken out of your body is used for the baby you are carrying. That is the reason guys don't get their period. They don't carry the baby... I get pirods when you are mturing into a woman and at first it is not regular but by the end of the first or second year it becomes regular. it may be scary at fist but it is nothing to worry about all girls get it so talk to a friend about it if you are scared it really is not nothing to worry about...really.

Why is there so little evidence of the period if heavy bombardment on earth?

Earths volcanoes;)

Can periods be very heavy so they cover your underwear?

Yes a period can do thios If it is this heavy then try not to go to school or work when it is this heavy because it can also be very smelly.

Can you ovulate before you period?

ovulation normally occurs about 2 weeks before your period actually starts. The purpose of a period is a direct relation to the release of an egg during ovulation. The egg will be released from the falopian tubes and enter the uterus (ovulation). Once the egg sits in the uterus for several days if it is not penetrated by sperm the body will reject it by causing contractions of the uterus to release the egg. This is when your period occurs as your uterus is "washing" out the egg from the uterus. So....yes...ovulation always occurs before your period.

Is it possable to give birth to a baby if you haven't had your period?

No. Your period is an egg that doesn't fully develop so it just comes out as blood.

Does your body release an egg before or after your period?

For most women, between each period is a time spam of 28 days roughly. Yours could be shorter or longer. 14 days before your expected period you ovulate (release and egg) This is known to be the best time for trying for a baby because the egg is ready to be fertilized. If the egg isn't fertilized you will have your period 14 days later. So the answer to your question is before.

Can a female get pregnant if she does not have a period?

no. it is not possible because the egg needs to be fertilized by male sperm and if there is not, egg, nothing gets fertilized so, yeah, nope