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Because of "minors" not being able to comprehend the dangers of Alcohol and the effects that is can and most likely will cause for a "minor", such as drinking and driving, liver cancer, and the effect on your brain.


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These are political decisions that have nothing to do with scientific or medical evidence.

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Q: Why is tobacco and alcohol legal to for adults but illegal for young people?
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How many people died of Alcohol and Tobacco?

The number is of people who die from the abuse of alcohol or from tobacco smoke is too high but declining significantly.

Why is smoking weed illegal in the US?

Probably because the alcohol and tobacco companies don't want it to compete with them. The more people who buy marijuana, the less people who spend money on tobacco. Marijuana does have it's medical problems, but, so do alcohol and tobacco. If the government did legalize marijuana, they would make more money in taxes, but, the alcohol and tobacco companies use their influence to keep it illegal.

Why do people us drugs tobacco and alcohol?

People use drugs and alcohol to feel good and to have an escape.

Why did they ban tobacco ads and not alcohol ads?

Technically speaking, TV reaches more young people and Tobacco is worse for you than alcohol.

What is the drug that people mostly use?

The most commonly used drug in America is caffeine, followed by alcohol (ethanol) and tobacco. The most commonly used illegal drug is cannabis (marijuana).

Why is bufotenin illegal if people with Autism naturally produce it?

Because the government wants a "clean" society. Just because something is produced naturally does not mean it is good. Marijuana, opium, cocaine, tobacco and alcohol are all naturally occurring items that are illegal.

Why is tobacco with its 100s of man made chemicals leagal but natural marijuana is illegal is it money or safety. marijuana has no record of overdose and look at all the drunks and alcohol poison's?

Because people are stupid.

Is narcotics illegal?

Obviously not, people buy cigaretts all the time. Tobacco is a narcotic, so no, narcotics are NOT illegal.

Is the use of alcohol drugs and or tobacco often associated with chronic stress?

Yes, it can be. People often turn to recreational drugs, tobacco, and alcohol as an attempt to self-medicate stress.

Is the use of alcohol drugs or tobacco often associated with chronic stress?

Yes, it can be. People often turn to recreational drugs, tobacco, and alcohol as an attempt to self-medicate stress.

Is Tobacco illeagal?

no, but it is controlled like alcohol. Providing it to underage people is a crime.

Why do you think people do drugs?

Alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs and kill like illegal drugs do. Do not forget that everything from an innocent aspirin to a heroin shot is a drug too, okay? People do use drugs because they are addicted or because they just want to get high.