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Q: Why is binary system is useful in electronic data processing?
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Which electronic device manipulates data so that useful information can be generated?

An electronic device used for processing data.

What are two advantages of using binary numbers rather than decimal numbers in a computer system?

Your question is actually flawed...binary system is not used in digital systems... Rather, systems using binary numbers only are called digital systems... It is common knowledge that, digital electronics employs just 2 states (or rather numbers, as mathematicians put it...) the two numbers being '0' and '1'. Obviously, it is easier to design electronic systems dealing with just 2 states...It's majorly this ease, that led to such exponential development in the field of digital electronics. It ios also cheaper to make or produce such systems...

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An electronic circuit is one or more loops around which electrical current can flow as it passes through one or more electronic components.An electronic device is any device designed to perform a specific useful function that is implemented largely using electronic circuits.Note: it is possible to design and build an electronic circuit that does nothing useful, it is not possible to design and build an electronic device that does nothing useful (the very reason for designing and building electronic devices is to create a thing having a useful function).

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Corrosion is not useful for any metal; an exception is electrocorrosion processing.

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The word processing application would be most useful when writing a script or a letter. It would also be useful when writing a report. WRONG WRONG WRONG

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not useful at all

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Why do you use binary digits to represent the presence or absence of electronic signals?

Since binary number digits only have 2 states (0 or 1) they are inherently useful to represent events which can be categorized into to states (signal present or absent, for example). A signal could come from a sensor which represents that something has happened (maybe it's part of an alarm system, and the sensor detects when a door is open or closed). Since it is a number, a microprocessor can be programmed to perform certain actions when this takes place.

What do the orbits of binary stars tell about stars?

Binary stars are very useful for determining the mass of the stars and thus any objects orbiting around them.

What are the objectives of data processing?

The objective of data processing is to convert data into knowledge. Data processing can involve sorting, validating, and summarizing data into useful information.

Why there is need to study octal and hexidecimaln the digital machine understands only binary code?

Because the octal number sytem is more useful for writing and clearer to read. Also, we're only using the binary system since the invention of computers which is not that long ago. Before that, there was no reason to use a binary system which is again not easy to read.

Why should one study octal and Hexadecimal systems when the digital machine understands only binary system?

Octal and hexadecimal numbers are useful for humans as they compactly represent binary numbers:each octal digit represents exactly 3 binary digitseach hexadecimal number represents exactly 4 binary digitsFor example, instead of trying to read (and remember) the binary number 100111001001 it can be represented as hexadecimal 0x09c9 or octal 04711 which are easier to read (and remember) for humans.