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If you don't focus on the road then you could hit someone and go to jail! Or you could not focus, flip your car over and go to the hospital! Those are just two ways but there are many other ways explaing why texting while driving is not a good thing.

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Q: Why is driving while texting not a good thing to do?
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How can texting while driving be a good thing?

Well, the short answer is that there are none. Texting distracts you from the road, even if you can look up and still type correctly you're attention is still focused on the cell phone not the road. Cell phone use is also illegal while driving in several states. If you text at night the light from the cell phone can readjust your eyes and temporarily alter your night vision which you render you incapable of seeing something on or beside the road and result in an accident.

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It depends on where you live. It may not be illegal, but it is oblivious very dangerous. When driving you attention must be on the road. One split second of inattention may cost someone their ( or your ) life!!

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An evaluation paragraph is used to evaluate a person, place, thing, or idea. Many times, evaluation paragraphs use terms like 'good/bad,' 'correct/incorrect,' 'wrong/right,' and 'important/nonimportant' to describe the person, place, or thing. After a description and a judgment is made, the writer can 'suggest,' 'recommend,' 'advise,' or 'argue' options and other ideas to the audience. An example of this would be: 'Texting while driving is wrong to do. It causes accidents and is generally a distraction. I would recommend that while driving, a person uses a hands-free device to talk on the phone if necessary, and otherwise leaves the phone where they will not be distracted by it.'

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slang is not a good thing for your education, but most kids do it while texting because it is much faster... some are you= u whatever= w/e laugh out loud= lol hey= dude, yo, sup

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preparing foods that are good in nutritions

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boogies are delicious and are a tasty treat while driving.