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It is because of the difference between the way molecules are hydrogen bonded to each other in the mixture compared to the pure liquids.

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Q: Why is heat generated when water is added to methanol?
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Why is heat generated when methanol dissolves in water?

If heat is generated during a chemical process, this indicates that it is an exothermic reaction.

Why does butanol heat water more than methanol?

Butanol is has less polarity than methanol

Can you cool methanol until it becomes a gas?

No. You would have to heat methanol until it became a gas. Same thing with water, and so forth.

What happens when you heat methanol in a microwave?

The first bit of methanol to vaporise will fling methanol all over the inside of your microwave.

How do you remove water from catalytic converter?

Start the engine. The water will evaporate from the heat generated by the engine.

Does water affect the heat of combustion of ethanol?

There are two angles to this question: 1. If your ethanol is contaminated with water it will reduced the amount of useful heat generated since the water will boil off while the ethanol is burning. 2. The water generated as a result of combustion is included as a term in the calculation of heat of combustion.

What is the best why of eliminating methanol from water?

at normal atmospheric pressure methanol boils at around 67 degrees (C) and water boils at 100 degrees .. so I guess the easiest way would be by simply evaporating the methanol at a temperature around 80 degrees .. be careful though and take all the ness. safety precautions .. methanol is VERY poisonous and flammable .. so better do it in gas cabin or in an open room with good ventilation .. oh and do not heat the mixture directly .. you should heat it in a water bath .. all the best

Why do race cars use methanol?

methanol has a lower burning point, so an engine running on methanol can make more power with less heat.

How do you use the standard enthalpies of formation to calculate the amount of heat released per kilogram of methanol?

Presumably we are talking combustion of methanol? Methanol burns to make water and carbon dioxide. The energy change from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen to carbon dioxide and water is the same if it is in one step, or via the intermediate step of making ethanol.

What happens if too much cement is added to make a mortar?

Excess heat will be generated by the chemical reaction when cement and water is mixed.This will result in drying out too fast causing excess shrinkage in the form of cracking.

How much heat does methanol give off?

2 pounds

Will methanol melt ice?

It depends on the temperature of the methanol. If the methanol is warmer than 32F (0C) it will melt the ice until the methanol reaches 32. Methanol can be less than 32F and still liquid in which case it won't melt the ice. It's about heat transfer not material.