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Insurance is simply the management of risk. By purchasing an insurance policy you are transferring risk to the insurance company for a price or premium paid. Insurance companies work like a coop in that they take the risk from many people and pool it together. The risk of one person dying for instance is hard to figure but the risk of a large number of people is much easier to figure. Using statistics, an insurance company can figure how many people out of a large group will die in any particular year. This way they are able to accept your risk of dying and contractually agree to a certain payment if you do die for a relatively smaller price. Life insurance is easier to compute that other types of insurance. Why? You will only die once and the company knows what they will pay. In auto insurance you can have more than one wreck and the payment required can vary greatly.

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Q: Why is insurance cover necessary?
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Insurance does not cover marriage counseling because it is not considered "medically necessary." In order for insurance to cover any counseling services, there must be a mental health diagnosis in place for the counseling / therapy treatment to be considered "medically necessary."

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Not unless it is medically necessary

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Medical insurance does not cover invisalign braces. These aren't considered necessary and regular braces are a lot cheaper if they were covered.

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Medicaid is intended to cover all medically necessary services for indigent persons, so no supplemental insurance should be necessary. For Medicare, supplemental insurance will be necessary.

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Insurance will not cover cosmetic dentistry. Anything cosmetic is not considered to be life threatening or necessary for survival. It is considered to be trivial thus not being covered.

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You can check the details with your insurance company, but the surgery would need to be proven medically necessary. You can discuss that with your doctor.

Does my health insurance cover me outside of the country?

Usually, regular health insurance would be able to cover you wherever you go. This means that travel health insurance may not even be necessary. However, some insurances may not cover you if you go across the ocean, so make you to look at what your health insurance provides and covers.

What is boiler insurance and what exactly does it cover?

Boiler insurance isn't usually covered on standard home insurance. Boiler insurance covers repairs, parts, and possible replacement of your home boiler. Boilers can be costly to repair that is why the insurance is necessary.

Is there any kind of cosmetic surgery insurance at all?

There are cosmetic surgeries that insurance will cover as long as it is medically necessary. Examples would include breast reduction, eye lifts and nose jobs as long as a doctor can prove to the insurance company that the surgery is medically necessary.

Does allstate homeowners insurance cover condensation leaking from AC ducting damage?

No, your homeowners insurance does not cover AC maintenance issues. however, depending on the type of policy you purchased, it may cover resulting structural damage after you have completed the necessary repairs to your AC system.

Does insurance ever cover cosmetic surgery?

Cosmetic surgery isn't covered under most medical insurance policies. Usually, in order for an insurance company to cover cosmetic surgery, it needs to be considered "medically necessary". For example, if you need reconstructive surgery, your insurance company will cover it only if it was due to an accident or certain illness (like breast cancer).

Which insurance will cover IVF medicine cost in Alberta?

Medicine for IVF (Invitro Fertilization - a process that promotes pregnancy) is not typically covered by insurance because it is not medically necessary.