

Why is it hard to see the Earth's plates are in motion?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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The Earth's plates move very slowly, so the effects are difficult to notice except at the plate boundaries. Modern measuring techniques can detect the movements however.

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Q: Why is it hard to see the Earth's plates are in motion?
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Yes tho, my book says something like that I how I see here, yes.

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Moving air or wind is difficult to see. The motion of atoms can not bee seen with the unaided eye. One can not see the motion of tectonic plates. In these examples, the phenomena are not visible but one can measure them.

Out of bum?

flys see in slow motion but can only see from the sides of there head so it is hard to move you would only see a quarter of what you looking at it is wired but i PWN flys see in slow motion but can only see from the sides of there head so it is hard to move you would only see a quarter of what you looking at it is wired but i PWN flys see in slow motion but can only see from the sides of there head so it is hard to move you would only see a quarter of what you looking at it is wired but i PWN

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Are earthquakes caused by colliding or separation?

They can be caused by either motion of the tectonic plates. See the related question below about what causes earthquakes more more detail.

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flys see in slow motion but can only see from the sides of there head so it is hard to move you would only see a quarter of what you looking at it is wired but i PWN flys see in slow motion but can only see from the sides of there head so it is hard to move you would only see a quarter of what you looking at it is wired but i PWN flys see in slow motion but can only see from the sides of there head so it is hard to move you would only see a quarter of what you looking at it is wired but i PWN Nggaaa if you know me well enough you will recognise my trademark Nggaaa

Why do rocks not move even though they are constantly in motion?

If something is "constantly in motion", then it's moving. At that level, the question is nonsense.There are a couple of reasons they might APPEAR not to move, depending on exactly what you're talking about when you say "constantly in motion".If you mean that they're constantly in motion because the Earth itself is whizzing through space, then they don't appear to move because you're comparing them to other objects on Earth which are ALSO whizzing through space.If you mean they're constantly in motion in the sense of tectonic plates, the motion is so slow that it's hard to notice. What makes it doubly hard is finding something to compare it to, because plates are often large, and any object sitting on the plate will be moving with it. It's easiest to notice motion at the plate boundaries.If you mean they're constantly in motion in the sense that the individual atoms and molecules that make them up are moving, you don't notice it because they don't move very FAR, they just sort of wiggle in place, over such small distances that you can't see them.

Where can you see evidence of the movement of Earths plates?

Earthquakes are one very obvious example. But there are places where a piece of ground which was once at the same level is now lower than the other, in remote regions where there is no human activity.

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On the surface and under the oceans of the Earth. They vary in thickness from around 2 miles to 80 miles. Every part of the Earth's surface is a tectonic plate. The entire crust is made of these plates. The movement of these plates against each other are what causes earthquakes, many of the worlds volcanoes, and tsunamis. See the links below for information and maps of the worlds tectonic plates.

Where is all the arceus plates?

See the following link for a complete listing of Plates and their locations: