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Lactic Acid is a waste product of anaerobic respiration which is produced following more than 10 seconds of continuous high intensity activity.

The energy requirements of the muscles during high intensity activities is too high for the aerobic system ( oxygen ). The absence of oxygen in the reaction to fuel the muscles (respiration) means lactic acid is produced.

In this context Lactic Acid is unnecessary for the human body given its acidic state. Enzymatic and molecular reactions fail in an acidic environment and the body therefore seeks to get rid of lactic acid

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It is necessary to remove lactic acid from the body because it reduces pain, tiredness in the muscles and joints and reduces stiffness in the muscles and joints.

Lactic acid is best removed in a warm-down/ cool-down.

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What builds up in muscles after a few seconds of intense activity?

Lactic acid is produced by muscles during intense activity. The human body has a way of removing the lactic acid. When the production of lactic acid overcomes the body's ability to remove it, a side stitch commonly occurs.Regular exercise can improve the body's ability to cope with lactic acid buildup.

What causes high levels of lactic acid in body?

Lactic acid is a byproduct of muscular over exertion.

Where in our human body is lactic acid produced?

As Lactic acid is formed from glucose, it is produced in the stomach of the digestive system

What can lactic acid do to the body?

causes cramping

Where does body get lactic acid from?

Lactic acid is a form of milk acid. It is formed during the break down of glucose in all living organisms.

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Lactic acid that builds up in the muscle cells

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During anaerobic respiration, you get lactic acid in your body. Lactic acid being acid it decreases the pH of your body. After biological oxidation of glucose you get carbon bi oxide. This after dissolution gives you acid in your body.

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lactic acid

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Why does the body need to remove lactic acid?

# How is lactic acid buildup dealt with by the body?

Does latic acid cause muscle fatigue?

Lactic acid is produced when the body performs shot, intense bursts of work. Lactic acid comes from the body's need for quick energy. As such, the body converts glucose (stored sugars) into ATP (Usable energy) rapidly without the use of oxygen. This is Anaerobic activity because there is no use of oxygen. Fatigue develops after an extended use of Anaerobic work. The body uses Lactate (lactic acid) for fast energy and has to work to remove the waste products from your muscles. This is the burn and fatigue you feel.