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The biggest problem is quite simply the potential for misapplication, whether accidental or intentional. Assuming correct application procedures are followed, the only other issue is a matter of personal preference.

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13y ago
  1. It's wasteful, both of money and of product.
  2. Soil can only hold a certain amount of either one tightly locked up. Too much of either can be leached out of the soil into groundwater, or eroded from the surface into rivers.
  3. Certain pesticides used in excess can actually contaminate the crop upon which they are applied and could poison livestock or people.
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Q: Why is it not advisable to use fertilizers and pesticides excessively?
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Why is it not advisable to use fertilizers excessively?

Runoff enters streams, rivers, and lakes, fertilizing algae which kills the fish and other aquatic life.

How many bees are getting killed by fertilizers?

Fertilizers are not so much of a problem. The biggest problem is the use of pesticides on crops.

Indiscriminate use of fertilizers and peticides?

Stop the use of pesticides because it is not good for the environment. But don't stop using fertilizers because they are good for the environment or at least some of them are!

Who founded organic food?

No one founded organic food. Growing food organically, without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, was the way food was grown before chemical fertilizers and pesticides were created, patented, and marketed.

How can you prevent pollution in yamuna?

· Switch to organic or biological farming methods · Curtail the use of pesticides and fertilizers. · Persuade polluting farmers to use pesticides in such a manner that it does not enter surface water

Why do you continue to use pesticides and fertilizers?

because it's an easy way of making your plants strong and protecting them.

Why fertilizers should not be used excessively?

because exessive use of fertilizer can take away the natural quality of soil.

How can organic be defined?

produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.

Is the use of man made fertilizers and pesticides a good thing for agriculture?

No, the use of man made fertlizers and pesticides are not a good thing for agriculture

Are the use of pesticides and fertilizers damaging?

The use of fertilizers and pesticides can be harmful to the environment, and to the farmer or gardener using them. Usually, there are not enough toxins in the substance used to harm the consumer of a crop.When it rains, fertilizers will be carries through streams and eventually into rivers. Fertilizers can causse an over-growth of alage and cause eutrophication. Fertilizers also can increase the health of certain pests, such as insects or mice.Human exposure to pesticides can cause...increased risk of leukemiacancers (lung, brain, testicular, lymphoma)increase in spontaneous abortionsgreater genetic damagedecreased fertilityliver and pancreatic damageneuropathydisturbances to immune systems (asthma/ allergies)increases in stillbirthsdecreased sperm counts

What does it mean to eat organically?

Organically, means animals/planets that don't use pesticides/ none organic fertilizers/ or genetically engineered.

What detrimental effect can the long-term use of pesticides and fertilizers have on soils?

The long-term use of pesticides and fertilizer can leave chemicals in the soil which can have toxic effects on certain crops and can contaminate agricultural workers, livestock and nearby strams.