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A woman who is obese can lose weight safely while she is pregnant, while under strict medical supervision. Doing this may decrease the chance of developing gestational diabetes. If she is already suffering from Diabetes, following a sensible diet could reduce her need for insulin, reduce her chance of needing a C/Section and reduce the chance of giving birth to a baby who has low blood sugar following birth, from mom's need for insulin. Babies born to diabetic moms can also suffer from seizures and even brain damage due to the baby's inability to control their blood sugar levels (severe, fast drop in blood sugar).

For a woman to attempt this challenge, (under strict doctors supervision) she must do it carefully, taking in the required amount of calories, eating a very healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and by having several small meals and snacks daily, rather than 2 or 3 (or more!) large meals containing sugar and processed flour. Giving up unhealthy fast food habits and incorporating highly nutritious, pre-planned meals and snacks - all in moderation.

Diet modifications along with a safe exercise program - aimed at increasing strength and stamina can be achieved.

The majority of vitamins, minerals and protein can be achieved in a healthy diet - not so much while cutting calories while pregnant; prenatal vitamins and mineral supplements will be doubly important to a woman trying to reduce her weight while pregnant.

Folic acid (300-400mcg a day) should be started 3 months before trying to conceive to reduce the risk of neural tube defects and taken throughout the first trimester. Your doctor may recommend a higher dose to a woman reducing her weight during pregnancy.

If you are overweight prior to pregnancy: your goal should be to gain 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy.

Where pregnancy weight gain goes: Baby (on average 8 lbs), placenta (2 pounds), amniotic fluid (2 lbs), uterine muscle growth (2lbs), breast tissue (2 lbs.) increase blood volume (4 lbs), increase maternal water (2 lbs), energy stored for labor and breast feeding (5 lbs) Total 27 lbs.

Preventing anemia -- with a healthy diet including green leafy veggies and sufficient lean meat and supplements. Becoming anemic can cause weakness, dizziness, confusion and fatigue -

Pregnancy increases the chances of diabetes, an obese woman already suffering from diabetes can reduce her need for insulin injections by maintaining a strict diet.

High blood pressure may be reduced during pregnancy with diet and exercise - but must be closely monitored.

Things to remember: while you are eating for 2, one of the two is the size of an M&M for the first trimester. It's true that you need extra calories to help your baby grow, but you generally need to consume only 100 to 300 more calories per day on average.

Maintaining a strict diet and exercise program is easier with a partner. (someone going through the same thing as you) - to exercise with and sympathize - after a hard weigh in.

Reward yourself when you achieve short term goals.

Choose a realistic eating plan that is nutritional adequate and includes plenty of water, combine your eating plan with exercise and be sure to discuss the diet with your OB or Midwife before implementing.

While you are not likely to erase a lifetime of poor eating habits in just a few months, the gift of a healthy beginning you are offering your baby can be the start of a long and healthy life for both of you.

A woman who is average weight or below normal weight prior to pregnancy should not attempt weight loss during pregnancy. A plan of weight loss is designed for women who are experiencing ill health due to their weight, in an attempt to have a healthy pregnancy and child birth, under the guidance of their health care professional.

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