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Once the muscle mass has diminished, the body goes into a "crisis mode" and slows metabolism, burning available calories much more slowly. Healthy and effective weight lossrequires exercise and a balanced diet.

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Q: Why is it that bulimia sometimes doesn't actually cause weight loss?
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How does exerise equipment cause bulimia?

Exercise equipment does not cause bulimia, low self-esteem and respect for your body causes bulimia. However, often times bulimics over-exercise in their attempt to lose weight, so exercise and bulimia can sometimes be paired together.

Does weight often fluctuate when you have bulimia?

actually no, you tend to stay about the same, in a lot of cases people stay at a normal to slighly overweight weight.

If you have bulimia is drastic weight loss ever not seen?

This is actually really common with bulimia (binging and purging), which is often why it's hard to detect. From my understanding, a person with bulimia usually consumes enough calories to maintain their weight. When a person binges, they are consuming excess calories, so when they purge they are getting rid of these EXCESS calories, preventing them from gaining weight, but not making them lose weight.

Are people with bulimia always thin?

No. Most people with bulimia are at a normal weight range.

What are consequences of bulimia and anorexia?

Possible death, you'll actually gain weight due to water retention, & many health issues.

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What should you do if bulimia doesn't help you lose weight?

Well, first of all, dont be bulimic, it will just hurt you. Diet and exercise are less extreme Second of all, if bulimia doesnt help, pills. And all that fat free food. That will help tremendously. And some total.

How close to a healthy weight do people with bulimia usually stay?

Purging doesn't get rid of all the calories, actually hardly any unfortunately. Thus, most bulimics are either a healthy weight or overweight.

What emotional disorder is signaled by severe weight loss or failure to gain weight?

Anorexia, bulimia.

What is flunctuation for weight of a person?

Which of the following are signs that someone may be suffering from bulimia

What eating disorder is where a person is obsessed with losing weight?

Anorexia, bulimia, ednos +