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Maths is a black-and-white subject, ie the answer is either right or wrong, whereas essay writing is a grey subject, ie there is no right or wrong answer but where you have to argue your position on points using previous research on the study (and duly referenced as such) and your ability to link them together.

Those who are good at maths tend to prefer black-and-white answers, eg 2 + 2 will always be 4 and not sometimes 3.4 or 4.2 which would be a grey answer, as preferred by those good at writing essays.

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Q: Why is it that some people who are good at math find writing essays hard?
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because they're luke hemmings.

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Mathematics and Writing are total polar opposites: people who are great with math have a load of difficulty with essays and the same rule goes for people who are good at writing papers

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I'm sure there are many emngineers who are not good at writing essays. - Just as there are many writers who are not good at engineering

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You should simply get accustomed to the idea that different people have different abilities.

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just keep practicing Urdu

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A good major would be in education. You could become a math teacher.

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it will be unwise to think that engineering is for good mathematicians who cant write essays, some are great writers it depend from individual to individual

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Why is it that some people who are good at mathematics terrible at writing essays or papers?

People who are more dominant in the left side of their brain are more logical and are better at math. Those that favor their right side are more creative and better at writing.

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I highly doubt that you can generalize that. In other words, I doubt that all people, or most people who are good at math will be bad at programming.

Is it normal for a person who's good at math to have difficulty with writing essays and papers?

Sure. People have different strengths and different interests. The opposite could be true.