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When you got married, you made vows to each other to love and care for each other until death, or in some religions, for eternity. A spouse having an affair is a major breach of these vows. The person being cheated on will probably have feelings of betrayal along with a huge blow to their self esteem and difficulty in being able to trust their partner again. Their first instincts when they found out may have been to ask intimate questions about their partner's affair, such as "how good was she in bed?" or "what did she do in bed that I didn't". If the partner answered these questions, this could have fuelled the imagery that is undoubtedly going on in the cheated on partner's mind, and cause them further feelings of inadequacy and betrayal and further enrage them.

These are some major hurdles to overcome. Without some sort of help from a counsellor, psychologist, or at least a very emotionally intelligent and intuitive friend, a couple will find it very difficult to work through the feelings.

On top of this is the reason the person who had the affair cheated in the first place. People give a myriad of reasons for cheating, from "it just happened, she seduced me", to "you weren't paying attention to me and I felt left out of your life". Though there is no reason that can excuse the behaviour, how the person felt still needs to addressed. If it isn't, then you have done nothing to prevent this behaviour from reoccurring.

It's hard to work through the causal feelings of the cheater without addressing the consequential feelings of the cheated on. When couple's decide to try to save their relationship, without help, it can often be disastrous. Despite the cheated on wanting to save the relationship, he/she will often be wondering why their partner is working late, why is he/she taking so long at the store, who was calling or texting him/her. It's so hard for them to rebuild that trust. The partner who cheated will tolerate this behaviour for a while out of guilt, but it will soon start to wear on them. They will start to feel like they have to be constantly wary of their behaviour, and constantly alert that the smallest thing they do could be taken out of context.

It is also quite human for someone who has been badly hurt emotionally to want to inflict that same amount of hurt on the person who hurt them. Many people who have been cheated on state that their partner can't understand just how much pain they have caused. They may behave in a way that will punish their cheating partner in an attempt to show them how much pain they have endured, though they may not be doing this consciously.

So with all of these emotions going on in the cheated on person, it's hard to even address the cheaters concerns of what was wrong in their relationship in the first place.

A counsellor can act as a mediator, allowing both partners to have a say, and making sure the other acknowledges what is said. The counsellor can help to keep emotions and imagination from running wild by getting each partner to clarify what they've said. They can help people to understand why they are feeling the way they are, and find strategies to deal with or overcome those feelings. They can give couples tools for rebuilding trust in their relationship. It will never be an instant fix, but counselling is definitely a good idea if you both really want to save your marriage after an affair.

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Q: Why is marriage counseling crucial after your spouse has an affair?
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After your spouse affair is there any help to save your marriage?

When a spouse has had an affair and broken that bond of trust it is difficult to earn back. Going to marriage counseling may help the situation and explain to the spouse that marriage counseling is not about blaming one of the spouses, but giving them tools to learn to communicate in their marriage and know how to rectify any future problems in their marriage. Many couples may have experienced one spouse having an affair and it is not uncommon for both couples to have an affair, but, they do manage to save their marriage. It is entirely up to the couple.

Will marriage counseling work if a spouse had an affair?

Yes if you really want your relationship to work and listen to the advice you are given.

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People are only human and make mistakes so if this is the first time your spouse has cheated on you and they are willing to go to marriage counseling to learn tools to deal with problems in the marriage then yes, there are marriages that survive an affair and end up being stronger for it.

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There are numerous benefits to marriage counseling. Most importantly, marriage counseling sessions can help you and your spouse to learn to communicate more effectively with each other.

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Often it is a wake up call that something is missing your marriage either by your spouse; yourself or both of you. Marriage takes hard work and some marriages end up with one; both spouses having affairs and if they truly love each other marriage counseling does help and since both of you took your marriage vows you need to realize people are just human and if this is a first affair then the marriage is still worth saving. However, if the spouse continues to have affairs then it is the death of the marriage.

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If the spouse does not constantly cheat and made one mistake by having an affair then talking it out in a calm manner and facing how you both can improve upon the marriage may save the marriage or, you both could go to marriage counseling to learn tools to deal with every day life's stresses. If the spouse is constantly cheating; may be on drugs or abuses alcohol or is constantly verbally or physically harmful to their spouse it is best to move on. There is a good rate of successful marriages if one spouse has only had one affair if the couple decide to make it work. 'To err is human.'

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If you gave your spouse another chance after his affair why can't he help you rebuild the relationship?

If he's not helping to work on your marriage , he is just waiting for the storm to blow over and you won't bother him any more. Tell him to get with the program [ marriage counseling ] or you'll go on with out him.

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Marriage counseling. Get a separate bank account. Get a divorce.

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When your husband has an affair and apologizes this is not good enough to fully trust him because he decided on his own to break that bond of trust you both once had for each other by having the affair. Make him earn your trust back and if he really loves you and is not a man that has had more than one affair then seek marriage counseling to help give you the tools to make your marriage stronger.

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You don't. You have to make an educated guess based on your knowledge of your spouse's personality.

Will counseling help your marriage?

Women are more accepting of marriage counseling than men. Some men will go to counseling and try, but a larger percent will go just to please their spouse and often times only half listen to what the counselor is saying. However, seeing a marriage counselor is a good idea and if your spouse does not want to cooperate then you will have to make a decision whether to stay in the marriage or not.