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Meditation is the foundation on which Hinduism is built.


1. Meditation is the foundation on which Hinduism is built

2. The Vedas, the most sacred books of Hinduism, are based on Vedic Meditation.

3. It is not possible to understand Vedas without Mastering Vedic Meditation.

4. Meditation is the cheapest, fastest, easiest and the most reliable way for appeasing any Hindu god

5. A Hindu can't attain Moksha without becoming a master of Vedic Meditation. Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga are not much use in the modern world to attain Moksha. One can't attain Moksha through good deeds.

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Meditation is a skill; it's not a belief. The reason it is important is, according to the Buddha, that mastering it is the only way to live well. Living well means living wisely, with is the source of genuine compassion.

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Since there is no one Buddhist meditation practice, there is no one place that Buddhists go to meditate.Many, however, meditate in a meditation hall, which, for those who practice Zen, is called a "zendo." It's important to understand that master meditators are always meditating. Whether they are washing dishes or raking leaves or going for a walk, masters of meditation are always meditating.So, there's no need to have a special place to meditate.On the other hand, formal meditation is often best done in a certain place. Meditation may be thought of as the art of stilling the mind. To still the mind, it helps to still the body. This is why meditation is often done in a motionless, seated position. It can also be done standing, walking, or lying.

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Do Hindu believe in absolute truth?

yes, hindus certainly believe that highest understanding has been achieved. But it can only be achieved by meditation.